Board & Advisory council
ETOA has a Board and an Advisory council to give its members the chance to have a real say in the various activities of their association and the issues which affect them. The council meets quarterly and is responsible for overseeing all ETOA practices and finances.
Contact us if you would like to find out more.
Board of European Tourism Association AISBL (ETOA)

Adele Youngs

Director and CEO
Tom Jenkins

Vice President
Jennifer Tombaugh

Board Member
Helene Dambeck

Board Member
Marco de Rivo

Board Member
Marco Weijgertse

Board Member
Martin Sapori
Advisory council

Manager, G2 Travel
Shirley Sin

Managing Director, Service-Reisen Giessen
Kristiane Heyne-Strauch

Director of Product Development, Railbookers
Gareth Jones

Program Manager, Rick Steves' Europe
Robyn Stencil

Managing Director, Tracoin, The Travel Corporation
Giorgio Nocent

VP of Sales, Southern Europe, Accor
Martin Sapori

VP of Destination & Partner Development, EMEA, Go City
Viktoria Lacroix

CEO, Ljubljana Tourism
Petra Stušek

CEO, European Travel Commission
Eduardo Santander

Director, Nordic Tourism Collective
Paul Wagner

Director, Live Travel and Tours
Adele Youngs

VP Global Procurement, EF Educational Tours
Helene Dambeck

VP-Government and Corporate Affairs, Expedia
Jean-Philippe Monod

President, Tauck
Jennifer Tombaugh

Director of Sales UK & Ireland, Maritim Hotels
LeRoy Sheppard

Head of Hotel Operations, HIS-Miki Travel Group
Marco De Rivo

COO (Kuoni Tumlare Management by JTB)
Marco Russi

Chief Operating Officer, Globus Family of Brands
Marco Sorbara

Head of Purchasing, TourAxis
Marco Weijgertse

Director, Blue Boat Company
Ramón Van Der Storm

Managing Director, Tourwise of London Ltd.