On this page we feature a curated selection of European tourist attractions that have recently undergone changes or updates. These updates include modification to business rules, partnerships with B2B and B2C collaborators, or updates on accessibility, booking procedures, and other operational aspects.

Some of the current attractions include Louvre and the Colosseum.

Recent News

Rome, St Peter's Basilica Access
Following a meeting with St Peter's Basilica, ETOA created a FAQ about their new booking system
Paris, Notre Dame
Guided visits are not permitted until 9 June. The group booking platform is expected to open in April.
Paris, Louvre
A new ticketing platform will be accessible starting Wednesday, 15 January. It will be necessary to create a new account to book individual tickets for visits with fewer than 7 participants.
Rome, Trevi Fountain
After maintenance work, the Trevi Fountain has reopened with new arrangements

Access to attractions is fundamental to ETOA’s operators members, whether they produce multi-day tours often sold over a year in advance, or sell experiences bought via platforms when visitors are in destination. Cultural tourism is central to Europe’s economic success, providing necessary revenue to safeguard assets which attract visitors from around the world. Its long-term success is a strategic priority.

The online marketplace has transformed the business environment, but its impact is uneven. Some major attraction still lack APIs that allow live inventory to be shared with authorised B2B clients. Business rules vary, especially for groups, and there is insufficient transparency. The rise of nominative ticketing has added unwelcome complexity, mixing uneasily with data protection rules and platform regulation.

First-time visitors will often wish to visit the most famous attractions, but the organised travel industry is well-placed to encourage repeat visitors to explore other places, which aligns well with destination sustainability strategies. ETOA’s priorities are therefore to encourage good practice in distribution and capacity optimisation, and also to enable and support product development and diversification.

Product development and diversification


ETOA’s events provide an efficient opportunity for attractions and destinations to target international buyers looking for new product. As ‘must-see’ attractions become less practical as inclusions in multi-day programmes due to complexity and uncertainty about availability and ticketing, this opportunity is growing.

Product diversification is fundamental to tourism long-term economic and social sustainability. While visitor flow management tools using real-time data are available, they do not affect pre-booked inclusions in multi-day tours. The travel industry’s ability to influence where visitors go makes us an essential partner for destinations.

ETOA’s membership includes a range of attractions, destinations and platforms interested in getting new product to market, and enhancing visitor experience. Less well-known attractions with an appealing offer for cultural tourism that seeking to develop visitor flows throughout the year are encouraged to get in touch with us.

Addressing operational issues


Demand for Europe’s cultural tourism destinations continues to grow; operating conditions change. These may relate to coach access or other logistical constraints, but it is the business conditions imposed by attractions on B2B clients, together with lack of certainty of availability, that cause the most problems.

The impact is felt differently across various business models. Operators selling tours over a year in advance need to secure product otherwise they with have to find alternatives. Failing to meet expectations of clients who have paid in advance is highly problematic. Conversely, some operators first source product, then re-sell.

ETOA works in two ways to support its members. First, to argue for good practice in distribution. This entails transparency, appropriate use of technology, and proper recognition of bona fide operators of all types and sizes. Second, to provide insight to attractions and destinations about how the industry works.

Operational Information

Where a country is listed below, we currently feature content about recent developments or practical problems at one or more of its attractions. These may range from changes in business rules or capacity management to refunds policy, booking horizons and ticketing requirements.

While best efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information below, it should be used as guidance only. If you have updated information please contact operations@etoa.org.


Weekly closing days of cultural sites in Paris can be found here. Many museums in Paris offer free entrance on the first Sunday of each month.

January 2025 | Louvre – access 2025

  • Group visit slots for March and April are now open for booking. Individual tickets for this period will become available at a later date.
  • A new ticketing platform will be accessible starting Wednesday, January 15. It will be necessary to create a new account to book individual tickets for visits with fewer than 7 participants. The booking procedures remain unchanged for groups of 7 to 25 participants.
  • The Louvre is working on establishing a schedule for the launch of the professional ticketing platform and the implementation of new group rates, which will be shared here as soon as available.

Please note that the online sales service will be suspended from Monday, January 13, at 5:00 PM, until the morning of Wednesday, January 15, 2025

December 2024 | Louvre – group access 2025

On 19th December the Louvre advised that slots for March and April will open on January 7th. The introduction of new booking conditions for group access that were detailed in August (see below) has been postponed therefore current terms remain, including €70 fee for groups 7-25, with individual ticketing for groups of fewer than 7.

August 2024 | Louvre – group access 2025

The Louvre has published a newsletter detailing changes to group access from 2025. Of note: groups of 6 or fewer may use group entrance, and there will be a reservation fee of €20 payable. The fee for 7-25 will be €90. To see the newsletter, click here.

July 2024 | Louvre terms and conditions change

Following changes announced late June, buyers of group ticket who are not ‘key account holders’ have less flexibility. Only one modification can be done or refund requested, if done in advance according to procedure.

ETOA met with representatives of the museum on 15th July – and some joined as guests at an ETOA working group on 23rd July. Further to reduction of daily limit to 30,000, of which 6,000 are available to groups, supply has become more constrained. From the museum’s point of view, their priorities are to assure availability for all types of visitors, limit fraud, improve their channel management and utilisation. Changing dates and slots was proving too cumbersome, especially in high season.

The museum is reviewing its systems and policy: changes may be possible in 2025.

22 January 2025 | Notre Dame – access

Booking platform for visits from 9th June is expected to be launched in April. Once up and running, bookings will be possible three months in advance, with 8 slots per hour for groups of 6 pax or more, plus guide. Groups of five or fewer will not require a reservation. Use of in-house audio-guides will be obligatory, price to be determined.

Since re-opening, the cathedral has welcomed approximately 32,000 visitors per day, over 700,000 in the first month. Free tickets are available online three days in advance. Queues of up to two hours have been reported during school holidays. Visitors are reminded that there are no WCs in the Cathedral, and large bags are not permitted.

Until June 9th 2025 guiding is not permitted
– Individuals and operators attempting to offer professional services and providers of fake tickets have already attracted police attention.
– Volunteers offer orientation information and leaflets inside the Cathedral.
– A multi-lingual app is available in English, French, Spanish, and simplified language; soon in Italian and Mandarin.

Official website available here.


See all the latest updates below.

On 19th November 2024 Parco Archeologico del Colosseo has published the notice on how to apply to register as a trade buyer for 2025. You can find all the details in the attachments uploaded on their official website.

Requests must be received no later than 12:00 (UTC+1) on 16 December 2024.

In summary:

Each year, PAC will publish a new public notice to allow interested operators to register in the PAC Operators List and indicate the quantity of tickets desired on an annual basis (specifically, from January 1 to December 31) This will be referred to as the “First Accreditation Session”).

All operators registered in the PAC Operators List, in order to maintain their registration in subsequent years, must:
(i) declare that they still meet all the requirements outlined in Article 2 of the PAC notice;
(ii) update the submitted documentation;
(iii) indicate the quantity of Tickets desired on an annual basis, specifying the type and time slot;
(iv) submit a signed copy of the new Contract related to the following year.

PAC will also open a second accreditation session (from June 1 to June 30) through the publication of a specific notice, aimed at registering operators in the PAC Operators List (hereinafter referred to as the “Second Accreditation Session”).

Registration in the PAC Operators List through the Second Accreditation Session will allow the operator to compete for the allocation of residual Tickets not utilized by other operators. Operators registered through the Second Accreditation Session will not be permitted to indicate the quantity of Tickets desired on an annual basis (specifically, for the period from January 1 to December 31).

The tools available to accredited Partners will include:

  • B2B Call Center
  • Platform (Reserved B2B Portal – available by the end of January 25)
  • API (libraries for integration by Partners to automate processes – available in June 25)


  • Every operator can request a maximum of 100.000 tickets per year.
  • Tickets are distributed also according to most requested time slots. For example, as weekends are more in demand, less availability will be granted. Check Attachment B for full details.

FAQ can be found here


On 2nd October 2024 ETOA representatives along with delegates from other travel associations met with representatives from Parco Archeologico del Colosseo (PAC) and MidaTicket, the distribution partner.

(Please note that ETOA will continue to work with PAC to get further details as soon as they become available).

  • A new process for initial bulk booking requests will be implemented. Accredited operators will be able to request slots for all of 2025 by the end of the year. At this stage, only a booking fee per ticket will be charged, rather than the total ticket cost. Adjustments can be made at a later stage (please see below for information on the new B2B portal). Further details regarding ticket allocations, refunds, and other matters will be confirmed later.
  • All partners will receive a monthly newsletter, beginning in October, containing detailed updates on booking processes as well as general news regarding products offered by Parco Archeologico
  • There will a B2B portal containing all yearly allocation assigned by PAC based on the initial request and an algorithm that considers various factors (type of booking required – group or individuals – the requested date, etc). Operators can use the portal to complete purchases of allocated tickets, add participants names and print or save final tickets. A percentage of tickets (exact number TBD) can be increased directly from the portal. Payment can be made via credit card or bank transfer, or with a prepaid balance option from June 2025. The official ticket issued by PAC is the only one accepted and cannot be modified. The portal is expected to be operational by the end of November.
  • Forum pass availability will be accessible through the portal enabling all partners to purchase tickets directly from the platform.
  • Students groups – If operators are booking for a school group, whether European or international, they are required to complete a form confirming that they are making the booking on the school’s behalf. Only schools booking directly can use the B2C channel. Student groups are limited to a maximum of 30 people per group (in addition to a possible tour guide).
  • Starting October 7th 2024 (for booking dates in November) it will also be possible to reserve free tickets (i.e. under 18s). These tickets will be verified at the entrance.
  • It will be possible to change the guide name on the ticket by submitting a ‘delega’ on the day
  • PAC continues to monitor irregular sales through other channels and will ban operators found to be involved in such activities


Summary of 2024 Meetings with Par.co:

Here you can find our latest understanding about the current situation.

In May 2024 a new provider MidaTicket started managing tickets for Parco Archeologico del Colosseo (part of the Ministry of Culture). Their contract is for 4 years. It was announced here: signed an agreement with a new ticketing system provider (CNS Servizi).

The main changes for operators are as follows:

  • Operators are required to utilize the B2B channel, as the use of the B2C channel is not permitted.
  • B2B availability is now c.35% for the Colosseum and 80% for the Arena24
  • It is not possible to purchase group tickets on-site. There is a limit of 9 tickets allocated to direct individual visitors at any given time.
  • A new booking process for operators has been implemented. There are two opportunities yearly to apply as a trade buyer
  • Booking horizon: it should be confirmed that all B2B operators will have the right to book up to 1 year in advance, whereas B2C bookings will not
  • Name on the tickets will remain compulsory:
    • B2C – name change allowed until 7 days before the visit
    • B2B – name change allowed until 3 days before the visit
  • Capacity  increased 200 people per hour (2000 per day). Therefore total capacity is 3200 people per hour

System operation

Business rules

  • PAC is checking market offers which include Colosseum tickets:
    1. Those selling only tickets and skip-the-line will be blocked
    2. 200 email addresses have already been blocked on the B2C channel. IP addresses and credit cards will be monitored and blocked if connected with inappropriate use.

General Colosseum products available (ticket types)

Group size and guides

  1. For Undergrounds, Arena, Elevator: 24+1 (24 pax + 1 guide)
  2. For all other products: 25+1 (25 pax + 1 guide)
  3. Tickets for guides are free and can be bought at the ticket office or online on the B2C channel. Tickets for guides are and excluded from the allocation. Most guides already have the pass to enter the Colosseum.
  4. Tour guides non-accredited with PAC are entitled to a free personalized ticket, which can only be booked online. This ticket is valid for three daily entries without time restrictions (in the form of three daily tickets)

ETOA Impact Survey in June 2024: Colosseum Ticketing showed significant cost increase and reputational risk. For full results of the survey, click here.

February 2024

Following consultation with members, ETOA developed a Memorandum aggregating member concerns as basis for continue dialogue, indicating the likely adverse impact at reducing quota available to the travel trade.

After maintenance work the Trevi Fountain has reopened with the following arrangements:

Access guaranteed to a maximum number of about 400 people at the same time.  Entrance from the central staircase; exit at the gate on the side of Via dei Crociferi.

Visitation is regulated as follows:

– daily from 9.00 to 21.00 (last access 20.30);

– Mondays and Fridays from 11.00 to allow coin collection operations; every other Monday from 14.00 to 21.00 for emptying and cleaning the tank.

– Free access from 9 pm

Starting November 15, the Pompeii Archaeological Park will implement personalized tickets that include visitors’ names, along with a daily cap of 20,000 visitors organised into timed slots during the peak summer season.

This decision follows a record-breaking summer, where Pompeii saw more than 4 million visitors, including over 36,000 in a single day—one of the first Sundays with free admission.

In more detail, the new measures, effective from 15th November 2024, are as follows:

  • A daily cap of 20,000 visitors
  • Timed summer entry slots from April 1 to October 31, allowing:
    • 15,000 admissions from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (12,000 for “Pompei express” and 3,000 for “Pompei +”)
    • 5,000 admissions from 12:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (3,000 for “Pompei express” and 2,000 for “Pompei +”)
  • Introduction of name-based tickets

Tickets will be available both online and on-site. Personalized tickets will be required for all types of admissions (Pompei express, Pompei +, Pompei 3days, and individual sites) and will be issued upon presentation of a valid ID, both online and at ticket counters.

To facilitate entry procedures at the site, all Tour Operators accredited by the Pompeii Archaeological Park will be allowed to exchange vouchers for a cumulative ticket that will display only the name of the Tour Operator and the guide.

Non-accredited Tour Operators must present a list of group members at the ticket office. The cumulative ticket will display the name of the Agency or Tour Operator and the accompanying guide.

For other types of groups, such as families, at least one member of the group must present identification at the ticket office to collect the cumulative ticket. The ticket will show the name of the group member and the accompanying guide.

On free-entry Sundays, 5,000 tickets will be reserved at the ticket office for accredited Tour Operators.

ETOA will keep monitoring the situation and provide further updates on this page when they become available.

In November 2024, Fabbrica di San Pietro launched a new booking system, accessible at www.basilicasanpietro.va.

The system aims to improve the management of visitor flows within the Basilica, as well as those arriving from the exit of the Vatican Museums.

Starting March 1st, 2025, the exit door from the Vatican Museums, located near the Bronze Door, grants access to the Basilica or the Dome exclusively to visitors with a valid reservation made through the official website. This entrance is solely reserved to groups with their local guide.

Groups of up to 15 people, accompanied by a local guide, can also book the regular entrance from St. Peter’s Square in advance. Fees range from 5 to 7 Euros per person. Booking is not mandatory if entering from the main square.

Through this dedicated portal, operators can reserve access for groups transitioning from the Vatican Museums to the Basilica or groups entering from St Peter’s Square. This system is particularly necessary due to the high volume of B2B visitors accessing the Basilica through the Vatican Museums making it a priority for security and visitor management.

The available capacity is distributed across different channels. Tickets for pilgrims are allocated through a dedicated app. Tickets for individuals are distributed via the website channel. Additionally, a portion of the capacity is specifically reserved for Jubilee events to accommodate attendees for these special occasions.

Following the meeting between ETOA and St. Peter’s Basilica on 27 February 2025, this FAQ has been compiled to provide clarity on key discussions, address common inquiries, and ensure a better understanding of the topics covered.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

B2B Platform and Booking Management

Who can access the B2B booking system?
Tour Operators, Agencies, and Local Guides with valid VAT accreditation can apply for access via partner.basilicasanpietro.va.

Managing multiple bookings
Group bookings are available for a maximum of 14 participants plus 1 guide per booking. A group of up to 30 people may be split into multiple vouchers (each with a distinct code) but must remain under the same guide.

Ticket purchase limitations
There is an overall ticket allotment for B2B clients, although the remaining availability for each slot is not visible on the platform. Each operator will be assigned a digital wallet containing a balance that can be recharged after 30 days and upon reaching the minimum threshold of 10% of the initial value. Tickets may become available again due to cancellations of events or decreased demand through the Jubilee app. This will occur without prior notice, as it cannot be anticipated.

How far in advance can tickets be purchased?
Tickets are available up to 3 months in advance, with a 48-hour cutoff period (no next-day bookings).

What if a group or individual cannot attend?
The operator must notify the Basilica as soon as possible. In case of cancellation by the group or a participant, please note that there are no refunds.

What happens if a group wants to enter the Basilica without a reservation and using their own whispers?
They can still access the Basilica without a reservation and pay an on-site monitoring fee of €1.50 per person.

Is there flexibility in entry times?
A tolerance of 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the booked time slot is allowed. For a booking with an entry time at 10:30, the flexibility window extends from 10:15 to 10:45.

Can tickets be purchased exclusively for minors?
No, minors must always be accompanied by an adult.

Can multiple email addresses receive the QR codes?
No, the Tour Operator is responsible for forwarding them to the guide. QR codes are sent 24-48 hours before entry, in order to allow for name changes up to 48 hours in advance.

Entry Flow and Security Checks

Where are the priority entry points?
A dedicated entrance will be available and clearly marked onsite. Access will be through Porta Angelica (after the military gazebo), following the colonnade in St. Peter’s Square. Specific details will be provided on the tickets, and the dedicated path will be clearly recognizable onsite.

Availability and Booking Modifications

What if no suitable time slots are available after the Vatican Museums visit?
The alternative will be to use the regular entrance from St. Peter’s Square.

Can booking name changes be made?
Yes, up to 48 hours before the visit (until midnight). Only names can be changed, not ticket types.

What if there is a last-minute guide change?
The new guide can present an official delegation letter on the day of the visit.

B2B Agreements and FIT

Does the Basilica offer B2B agreements for operators selling experiences to individual clients?
Currently, no agreements are in place for marketplace websites.

How does the management of tickets and the wallet work for operators who organize visits for both individuals and groups?
The minimum number for a booking is 2 people, so they can be handled on the portal. All bookings on the B2B channel need to include a guide.

Access Control Procedures

Where and when are visitor documents checked?
Checks take place at the Bronze Door entrance as well as at the Gazebo in St. Peter’s Square for the flow dedicated to reservations.

Will there be updates or new features based on operator feedback?
Possible future enhancements will be considered.


Latest Review 27 January 2025


Following a meeting in December 2024 between ETOA and Sagrada Familia, see below the most recent info about the site.

Sagrada Familia – Business Rules and Visitor Guidelines


  • The Sagrada Familia is a privately run institution and one of Spain’s most visited landmarks. In 2024, visitor numbers surpassed the 4.5 million recorded in 2019.
  • With a maximum capacity of 1,500 visitors per hour, demand often exceeds supply.
  • Around 80% of tickets are allocated to private visitors, leaving 20–25% for groups, depending on the season.

Future Plans for 2025:
The administration plans to collect additional data to improve efficiency.

Group Visit Guidelines

  1. Group Size and Rules:
    • Groups must consist of 10–30 people.
    • Groups larger than 30 will have to split up.
    • Group tickets cannot be used for individual visitors.
    • Individual tickets cannot be used for groups
  2. Guide Requirements:
    • Groups must be accompanied by an accredited guide to enter the site.
  3. Booking Procedures:
    • Tour operators can book tickets up to three months in advance, paying 50% upfront and the remaining balance 7 days prior to the visit.

Ticket Booking Channels

  • Main Channel: The portal CLORIAN is used for group bookings.
    • Operators must contact Sagrada Familia to request a login and access availability.
    • Availability opens three months in advance, and operators are informed beforehand.
    • If at the time of booking there are not available tickets on the portal, please contact operacions.gestioentrades@ext.sagradafamilia.org to inquire about ticket availability. For group guided tour reservations with an internal guide at Sagrada Familia, please use the email address reserves@ext.sagradafamilia.org.

Operational Challenges and Recommendations


  • High demand, particularly during peak months from March to October, Holy Week


  • Schedule group visits during off-peak hours (outside 9–12 AM) or opt for late afternoon slots for a smoother experience.
    • Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually less crowded.
  • Book tickets well in advance for high-demand periods.
  • Visit during quieter months (November–February, excluding Christmas).

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