Last reviewed 28 February 2025

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27 February 2025 | Catalonia – The regional government (Generalitat de Catalunya) has announced a 100% increase in the regional tourist tax (Tax on Stays in Tourist Establishments – IEET). The new rates are listed below (start date of change to be confirmed). For advance bookings, the applicable tax rate is the one in force at the time of making the reservation, provided that the amount of the reservation and tax is paid at that time.

At the same time, the Generalitat de Catalunya also approved for municipalities outside Barcelona to implement a Surcharge on a similar basis to Barcelona, if they choose.

A tourism tax (tasa turística) applies in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands


The tourist tax (Tax on Stays in Tourist Establishments – IEET) is decided by the regional government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and applies across the region. The rate is levied as a flat rate per person, per day, varying by accommodation type and star rating and also applies to cruise ship passengers (where the cruise does not start or end in Catalonia). Staying in accommodation overnight, a day is calculated as per the accommodation’s specified arrival and departure time.

Barcelona also levies a Surcharge (recàrrec) in addition to IEET at the current legal maximum of €4 set by the Generalitat de Catalunya. On 27 February 2025, the Generalitat de Catalunya announced other municipalities may implement a Surcharge on a similar basis to Barcelona, if they choose.

The revenue collected from IEET is split equally between the regional government and municipality. The revenue from the Surcharge is fully retained and managed by the municipality.

Further information can be found by clicking on the name of the destination below.

Hotel Star Rating  Some Exemptions
 (per person per night, 7 nights max)           
Barcelona  (IEET and Surcharge)
New (start date TBC)
Children under 17
Rest of Catalonia  (IEET)
New (start date TBC)
Children under 17

Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera)

The tourist tax (impost del turisme sostenible) is decided by the local government (municipality). The tax applies to visitors staying in commercial accommodation and cruise ship passengers. In low season (1st November to 30th April), the tax is reduced by 75%.

Further information (including which specific projects related to sustainability are funded by the tax) can be found by clicking on the name of the destination below.

Hotel Star Rating  Some Exemptions
 (per person per night, 50% reduction after 8 nights)           
High season
2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Children under 16
Low season
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 1.00 Children under 16

Disclaimer: While best efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information, the information displayed should be used as guidance only.

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