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July 5, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Origin market insight: Asia
In this webinar Tom Jenkins and our expert panel will explore the current status of the Asian outbound markets to Europe
June 22, 2023
ETOA Insights Webinar | ForwardKeys Most Popular Cities Report: Will this be the last super summer?
The latest report from our partners at ForwardKeys on the most popular city destinations for summer 2023.
May 23, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Meeting the Chinese huge demand for 2023-24
The Chinese market is coming back – is Europe ready and competitive? What can be done to open capacity, are there short-term fixes and are visas being processed adequately? ETOA has convened a panel to explore these issues, looking to consolidate a Europe-wide response. Join the conversation.
May 18, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Tech Matters
Efficient and cost effective distribution is key to all travel businesses. Hear how technology is reshaping distribution in the travel industry. Join our experts as we discuss distribution from three perspectives: from that of an OTA, how we connect to customers and how distribution resides in the B2B Marketplace.
May 18, 2023
ETOA Webinar | German VAT Update May 2023
Germany’s proposal to unilaterally impose a sales tax on non-EU sales of German vacations remains on the statute books. It is now due for implementation on the 1st of January 2024. This webinar featured a discussion of what might be anticipated, if there have been any developments since the last time we looked at the subject and when we might hear from the European Commission on their plans for Tour Operators Margin Scheme reform.
March 28, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Trends and stats: The state of play for European tourism
In this webinar we will take a wide-ranging, data-driven look at current trends in search and booking patterns, top destinations and the situation in Europe’s key long-haul origin markets.
March 16, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Tourism providers and buyers – getting to grips with TikTok
TikTok is a global phenomenon, familiar to all and yet fully understood by far-fewer. Should TikTok be part of your social-media and advertising strategy? We will be showcasing real work done on TikTok in the travel industry in the webinar.
March 1, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Sustainable Tourism: special focus on Nordic Accommodation
The Nordic region is one of the world's leading destinations for sustainable tourism and the products available for responsible travellers are in abundance. This webinar looks at the amazing examples of sustainability and nature in the region, with a particular focus on accommodation.
February 14, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The imminent return of the Chinese Market
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
February 1, 2023
ETM North America Webinar | Youth & Student travel
The North American student and youth market for Europe is rebounding, and promising strong growth in the next two years. Pan-European in scope, is a vital sector. Important in itself, it acts as an introduction to Europe as a destination for a new generation of clients.
January 31, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Tourism in 2030: tough choices ahead
The climate emergency is forcing change, and creates new dilemmas for government. When they look at their economy’s overall carbon footprint, which sectors will have more time to transition, and which must accept stricter controls to keep overall emissions within legally binding commitments?
January 25, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | India, the next travel powerhouse
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
January 19, 2023
ETOA Insight Webinar | Euromonitor Travel Reset: Outlook and Innovation for European Tourism 2023
Caroline Bremner shares Euromonitor's forecasted outlook for European tourism, pinpointing growth opportunities such as blended travel and the metaverse for further exploration
January 13, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Reflections on North American demand
In this webinar, we reflected on how matters have evolved since the COVID restrictions were lifted six months ago and looked at any patterns emerging in terms of demand, what 2023 is looking like and what plans are being laid for 2024.
December 7, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Digitalisation & tech in travel: expectations
A chronological look at three areas of tech and digitalisation in travel: how the technology has evolved, where we are today and what we can expect in the future.
December 6, 2022
Wales International Travel Trade webinar | Prospects for inbound tourism into Wales
Webinar on Prospects for inbound tourism into Wales including a presentation on the prospects for Wales in 2023 and beyond, using the latest data drawn from both government and private sources; an account of what will be happening and why people will be visiting in the future and a discussion of what the requirements are for visitors from the main origin markets for Wales.
November 30, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Britain and Ireland: Trends and Prospects
How has tourism to Britain and Ireland fared in 2022 and what does next year look like? In this webinar we will set the scene with a data-driven look at the picture for the UK and Ireland in 2022 in terms of performance and trends.
November 29, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | United Kingdom: market expectations for 2023
In this webinar, we explore how the UK outbound market is shaping up for 2023. How resilient is the market? Are UK travellers prioritising travel over other discretionary spend?
November 25, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Europe’s border formalities in 2023
An update on Europe’s upcoming new border formalities for visitors and how they will work.
November 14, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Tax and tourism – EU options for change to VAT, and Germany’s plans for 2023
In this webinar, Tom Jenkins and David Bennett discuss EU options for change to VAT, and Germany’s plans for 2023.
October 27, 2022
Market Insight Webinar | South East Asian Markets and China
In this webinar, we take stock of the current situation in the region and look at prospects for recovery in 2023 and 2024.
October 20, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Outlook on Asia demand
In this webinar, we take stock of the current situation in the region and look at prospects for recovery in 2023 and 2024.
October 10, 2022
Interpreting Tourism Statistics: Webinar and Report
A useful companion document and webinar for those reading tourism statistics, with a digestible look at potential pitfalls when interpreting them.
October 5, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The importance of preserving Nordic cultural heritage in Nordic tourism with WTACH
In this webinar we will hear how important this is to tourism globally and look at how tourism itself can ensure that the worlds unique attributes, history and cultural values are celebrated and preserved for generations to come.
September 27, 2022
ForwardKeys Webinar | Destination Gateway – Data for destination development
In this interactive workshop, ETOA's data partner, ForwardKeys demonstrated their most recently launched product, the user-friendly, DMO-oriented Destination Gateway.
September 15, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The Japanese market: expectation and recovery
In this ETOA / Nordic Tourism Collective webinar, we discuss the current situation of the Japanese market and expectations of recovery. We were joined by in-market partners and Japanese travel and tourism professionals.
September 13, 2022
ETOA Insights | Summer Season Review and looking ahead
We are delighted to collaborate with our partners at ForwardKeys for a data-driven look at where Europe is now in terms of bookings by source markets, and destinations heading towards a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels.
September 9, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Origin market insight: North America
In this webinar, we discussed how the North American market is responding to this year’s challenges and preparing for the coming year, also looking at current trends and future bookings.
August 5, 2022
ETOA Webinar | German VAT
In this webinar, sponsored by Big Bus, Tom Jenkins will discuss implications of the implementation of German VAT in 2023 together David Bennett, Elman Wall Bennett Ltd.
July 13, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Intercettare il turismo internazionale
In questo anno particolare e di forte ripresa del turismo internazionale, è essenziale cercare di intercettare i clienti B2B interessati a stabilire delle relazioni dirette e a lungo termine nel mercato italiano. Insieme ai nostri partner Amadeus e Proedi Comunicazione parliamo di dati e tendenze del turismo in Italia e l’importanza della comunicazione e informazione per i propri clienti e come intercettare al meglio il turismo internazionale grazie ai servizi di ETOA.
May 16, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Taxation on tourism products online
During this webinar we will discuss tax issues arising from the way tourism services are distributed online (agency, net rate models, B2B) and the regulator’s perception of them.
May 4, 2022
ETOA Insights Webinar | State of Play for the European Tourism Industry 2022
Ahead of ETOA's City Fair B2B networking event in June, we take stock of the big picture for European destinations. We are delighted to collaborate with our new partners at ForwardKeys for a data-driven look at where Europe is now in terms of bookings by source markets, and destinations heading towards a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels.
May 3, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Climate action and tourism: turning plans into practice
Watch this practical discussion about the travel industry and climate action with a panel of experts on carbon reduction, sectoral advocacy and consultancy. They provide current insight into what organisations of all sizes can do, and talk through the challenges and opportunities as plans turn into action.
April 29, 2022
ETOA Webinar | TOMS and German VAT
The German regulations on VAT for non-EU operators are due to be implemented on January 1st 2023. Intermediaries in such markets as the USA, UK and Japan will have to register, reclaim what input tax is recoverable and levy VAT on the price charged to the consumer. This change takes place at a time when the European Commission is looking at the application of VAT on tourism services.
April 21, 2022
USTOA Webinar | Europe Update with ETOA & ETC
Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA and Eduardo Santander, CEO of ETC, represent respectively the public and private sectors in inbound tourism to Europe. They looked at what has happened, is happening and what might occur in the European tourism economy.
April 20, 2022
Webinar | Supporting tourism’s recovery: destination and regional perspectives
CityDNA, ETOA and NECSTouR represent city destinations, the travel trade and regional governments’ tourism interests. Developing mutual benefit while securing a safe space for a vibrant visitor economy is our common concern.
April 5, 2022
Mediterranean Insight Session | Part of VIVA 2022
As part of the VIVA 2022 workshop programme there was a 30 minute discussion from tourism insight experts.
March 29, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Outlook for European leisure travel from Australia and NZ
As Europe finally welcomes back travellers from Australia and New Zealand, we take a look at how operators and their clients are planning for their return.
March 24, 2022
Webinar | Rebuilding city tourism through product diversification
City tourism will regain strength in 2022 and due to built-up demand from global and European source markets many destinations expect 2019 volumes to be reached by 2023. In this webinar we discuss how dialogue between destinations and in-bound tour operators can support a healthy growth in city tourism.
March 23, 2022
Expert Webinar | Risky Business – Collective Redress in the Tourism Industry
On 23rd March ETOA, in collaboration with its partner ECTAA, delivered an expert webinar on collective redress through representative action (sometimes referred to as ‘class action’).
March 9, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Recovery in the Japanese market
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
March 3, 2022
ETOA Travel Trade Masterclass | Asian demand
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
February 24, 2022
Webinar ETOA | Prospettive sulla ripresa del turismo in Italia
E’ iniziato un nuovo anno ed è tempo di fare il punto sul 2021 e volgere gli occhi e le speranze al 2022. Quali lezioni possiamo imparare dall’anno appena trascorso e quali sono gli elementi che ci permetteranno di aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi entro il 2022?
February 17, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Mediterranean product and demand
In this free webinar we explore product development and diversification in the Mediterranean region and current demand from global source markets. Expert panellists will share insights about evolving travel trends and business needs and we will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for the region.
February 10, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Perspectivas de futuro: ¿será este año el de la recuperación?
Tras una sorprendentemente positiva edición de Fitur cabe preguntarse si, por fin, se encuentra la industria del turismo en la senda de la recuperación definitiva. En ETOA estamos recibiendo muchas señales positivas que nos hacen pensar que sí, que esta vez remontamos, pero también queremos saber cómo se ven las cosas desde otras perspectivas.
January 12, 2022
ETOA Webinar: Travel Trade Masterclass | North American Demand January 2022
In this session, guest panellists are tour operators based in North America. We will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
January 11, 2022
Nordic Get Together #8 Demand in 2022
Webinar: As the recovery approaches, what are buyers of Nordic and Baltic programmes looking for in 2022. How do they see their customer enquiries and demand? Our panel of experts give their insights.
December 20, 2021
ETOA Webinar | Prospects for inbound tourism into Wales
Our industry experts will discuss the prospects for recovery in 2022, and what is needed to capitalise on future demand. We will also cover how suppliers might use the travel industry to distribute their products.
October 26, 2021
Webinar: Nordic Get-together #6 Airlines ‘taking off’
Airlines are critical to the overall recovery of the industry, join us and hear how the leading airlines in the Nordic’s give their views and insights. Discussions were around current airline and search booking data from a research partner discussing the following questions:
Capacity vs Demand
General build-up of route networks
Changes to the airlines/airport experience in the future
Business vs leisure traffic
The importance of leisure business to the airlines
Brief look at sustainability and what the airlines are working on
September 16, 2021
ETOA Webinar | Europe & Korea – Developing Common Interest in Tourism
Representatives from European destinations, the Korean outbound market and the intermediaries who connect them will meet to discuss the state of play of this market and the opportunities for developing commercial interests.
- Nordic Tourism Collective: Cybersecurity primer with Furney Brown Members
- ETOA Webinar | Inverting the population pyramid: Opportunities and challenges of changing demographics Members
- Nordic Trend Tracker February 2025 Members
- ETOA Webinar | AI for 2025’s Hot Topics: Crowding, Visitor Dispersal and Traveller Reviews Members
- Global Accessibility Report from City Destinations Alliance Members
- Accommodation
- Aviation
- Brexit
- Coronavirus
- Data Appeal
- Destinations
- Domestic Travel
- Economic Indicators
- ETOA Press Interviews
- ETOA Snapshots
- ETOA Webinars
- Euromonitor
- Events and Tourism
- ForwardKeys
- Lighthouse
- Mabrian
- Opinion
- Origin Markets
- Pulse Check
- Sustainability
- Taxation
- Technology and Cybersecurity
- Value of Tourism