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May 23, 2023
UNWTO Barometer May 2023
The latest UNWTO analysis suggests that last year Europe welcomed 595 million international tourist arrivals, compared with 744 million in 2019, and that in the first quarter of this year volumes have reached 90% of their pre-pandemic level.
May 23, 2023
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q2 2023
The latest Expedia Trends Report continues to focus on the positive signs for the upcoming summer period, highlighting data indicating that overall search volumes in the first three months of this year were 10% up on the same period of 2022.
May 23, 2023
ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2023
A detailed review of the latest trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that international tourism in Europe recovered to 82% of its 2019 scale by the end of last year. The report includes analysis of individual destination performance alongside forecasts for both inbound and outbound tourism over the next few years by world region.
April 20, 2023
Rediscovering Europe: The Return of Chinese Tourists March 2023
A comprehensive discussion examining how the habits of Chinese travellers are changing and what they expect from a holiday, often with reference to the strategies being deployed by various European tourism promotion agencies. The report features numerous hints and tips that it is claimed will enhance marketers ability to attract Chinese travellers.
April 20, 2023
WTTC World in Motion January 2023
The report champions the recovery in tourism in 2022 and highlights that despite economic headwinds many consumers are still placing travel high on their list of priorities. The study discusses the role of social media, the resilience of luxury travel and consumer attitudes towards sustainability.
March 28, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Trends and stats: The state of play for European tourism
In this webinar we will take a wide-ranging, data-driven look at current trends in search and booking patterns, top destinations and the situation in Europe’s key long-haul origin markets.
March 22, 2023
WeTravel – Travel Trends Report 2023
WeTravel report provides insights into this year's bookings and payments trends based on the data collected from a survey of 150 tour operators combined with the data from their 3,000+ clients.
March 15, 2023
Tourism Economics: Europe’s Long Haul Travel Recovery
A summary of prospects for the recovery of long-haul tourism to Europe over the next few years, highlighting that despite eased travel restrictions volumes from China are not expected to regain pre-pandemic levels in the short-term, whereas visits from the USA to many destinations in Europe could match those of 2019 during the current year.
March 15, 2023
ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism finding that despite an array of challenges, consumers remain keen on travelling, but that the economic situation requires their plans to be adjusted in order that holidays and short-breaks can be deemed affordable.
March 15, 2023
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q1 2023
The latest Expedia Trends Report paints a broadly upbeat picture with year-on-year growth in travel searches towards the end of 2022, most especially in Asia following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in China.
March 15, 2023
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2023
An insight into how those in key long-haul source markets for Europe are feeling with regard to travelling to faraway places in the upcoming year, and broadly the sentiment is upbeat with over half of those questioned in all markets except Japan open to the idea of long-haul travel.
February 14, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The imminent return of the Chinese Market
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
February 1, 2023
ETM North America Webinar | Youth & Student travel
The North American student and youth market for Europe is rebounding, and promising strong growth in the next two years. Pan-European in scope, is a vital sector. Important in itself, it acts as an introduction to Europe as a destination for a new generation of clients.
January 30, 2023
USTOA Insights: USA as an origin market Jan 23
Key findings from a recent survey of American international travellers, with a series of charts and headline statistics ranging from intended trip intensity in 2023 through to the extent to which travel provider’s sustainability credentials matter to potential customers.
January 25, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | India, the next travel powerhouse
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
January 19, 2023
UNWTO Barometer January 2023
The latest UNWTO analysis indicates that last year international tourism had recovered to 63% of its pre-pandemic level with 900 million trips. In an upbeat assessment the Barometer predicts that this year volumes will reach between 80% and 95% of their 2019 equivalent.
January 13, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Reflections on North American demand
In this webinar, we reflected on how matters have evolved since the COVID restrictions were lifted six months ago and looked at any patterns emerging in terms of demand, what 2023 is looking like and what plans are being laid for 2024.
December 12, 2022
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q4 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report suggests that the volume of traveller searches has plateaued in the most recent quarter after a protracted spell of growth, with a combination of economic woes and worries about geopolitical issues more likely to account for this than a dampening in consumers’ will to travel.
December 12, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q3 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism finding that the summer has seen strong demand, especially in Southern and Mediterranean destinations, but that concerns persist about the rebound's longevity due to the impact of inflation and resultant lacklustre consumer confidence.
December 12, 2022
UNWTO Barometer November 2022
Cautious optimism is the phrase summing up the latest analysis by UNWTO, while there are growing headwinds it is expected that international tourism will reach 65% of its 2019 volume by year end, with Europe one of the strongest performing world regions.
December 6, 2022
Wales International Travel Trade webinar | Prospects for inbound tourism into Wales
Webinar on Prospects for inbound tourism into Wales including a presentation on the prospects for Wales in 2023 and beyond, using the latest data drawn from both government and private sources; an account of what will be happening and why people will be visiting in the future and a discussion of what the requirements are for visitors from the main origin markets for Wales.
November 30, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Britain and Ireland: Trends and Prospects
How has tourism to Britain and Ireland fared in 2022 and what does next year look like? In this webinar we will set the scene with a data-driven look at the picture for the UK and Ireland in 2022 in terms of performance and trends.
November 29, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | United Kingdom: market expectations for 2023
In this webinar, we explore how the UK outbound market is shaping up for 2023. How resilient is the market? Are UK travellers prioritising travel over other discretionary spend?
November 14, 2022
ETOA Industry Briefing | 3rd November 2022
Download the presentations from our Industry Briefing on 3rd November in London.
November 9, 2022
ForwardKeys Most Visited Destinations Report 2022
Produced for World Travel Market, this ForwardKeys report explores how different destinations have performed in 2022 and what 2023 may have in store for international tourism.
November 8, 2022
YouGov: Youth of today, travel of tomorrow September 2022
A comprehensive study utilising a range of recent YouGov surveys highlighting the travel desires of those aged 18-24, what they are seeking from a travel experience and their relationship with social media and technology.
November 8, 2022
UNWTO Barometer September 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO suggests that many parts of the world continued to see a steady recovery in international tourism during recent months, especially in Europe and the Middle East. While sentiment among experts remains positive for the remainder of the year there are growing worries as to the impact of a slowing economy and high levels of inflation.
November 8, 2022
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 3/2022
While the overall sentiment towards long-haul travel in key markets across the Americas, Asia and the Pacific has improved in recent months the study finds that when Europe is the destination the increase is only marginal.
November 8, 2022
Amadeus Hospitality Market Insights Report Sept 2022
A report packed with charts detailing hotel performance across leading markets and world regions, focussing on recent trends and forward bookings.
October 27, 2022
Market Insight Webinar | South East Asian Markets and China
In this webinar, we take stock of the current situation in the region and look at prospects for recovery in 2023 and 2024.
October 20, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Outlook on Asia demand
In this webinar, we take stock of the current situation in the region and look at prospects for recovery in 2023 and 2024.
October 5, 2022
Summer 2022 overview and opportunities for 2023
A presentation offering an overview of 2022 Summer season and 2023 opportunities specifically focusing on Italy.
September 15, 2022
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The Japanese market: expectation and recovery
In this ETOA / Nordic Tourism Collective webinar, we discuss the current situation of the Japanese market and expectations of recovery. We were joined by in-market partners and Japanese travel and tourism professionals.
September 13, 2022
ETOA Insights | Summer Season Review and looking ahead
We are delighted to collaborate with our partners at ForwardKeys for a data-driven look at where Europe is now in terms of bookings by source markets, and destinations heading towards a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels.
September 9, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Origin market insight: North America
In this webinar, we discussed how the North American market is responding to this year’s challenges and preparing for the coming year, also looking at current trends and future bookings.
September 7, 2022
UNWTO – The Economic Impact of Restricting International Mobility
A report that pulls together a range of data demonstrating the devastating impact that the pandemic and subsequent restrictions on international mobility has had on the tourism sector since 2020.
September 7, 2022
Amadeus Consumer Travel Spend Priorities 2022
A 15-page report with a focus on the links between travel and fintech based on a survey of 4,500 consumers in June 2022 from France, Germany, UK, USA and Singapore.
September 7, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q2 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report suggests that a strong second half of 2022 is on the cards with the past quarter having witnessed a more than 100% year-on-year increase in flight bookings from the USA to Europe.
September 7, 2022
UNWTO Barometer July 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO confirms that international tourism continues to consolidate its recovery despite mounting economic headwinds.
September 7, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism concluding that headwinds from persistently high inflation and labour shortages within the travel and tourism sector look set to hamper performance during peak summer despite strong pent-up demand from a number of markets and market segments.
August 5, 2022
ETOA Webinar | German VAT
In this webinar, sponsored by Big Bus, Tom Jenkins will discuss implications of the implementation of German VAT in 2023 together David Bennett, Elman Wall Bennett Ltd.
July 13, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Intercettare il turismo internazionale
In questo anno particolare e di forte ripresa del turismo internazionale, è essenziale cercare di intercettare i clienti B2B interessati a stabilire delle relazioni dirette e a lungo termine nel mercato italiano. Insieme ai nostri partner Amadeus e Proedi Comunicazione parliamo di dati e tendenze del turismo in Italia e l’importanza della comunicazione e informazione per i propri clienti e come intercettare al meglio il turismo internazionale grazie ai servizi di ETOA.
June 29, 2022
Clearsight Report on UK consumers and out of home activities
This report examines levels of UK consumer participation across key out-of-home activities. It hints at outbound travel continuing to be constrained in 2022 but domestic travel potentially benefiting from a change in habits and the growing pressure on disposable income from inflation.
June 29, 2022
Tiqets: Must-Know Travel Industry Trends for the 2022 High Season
Findings from a survey of 2,000 Americans exploring what they are seeking when travelling, whether for business or leisure, how they find out about visitor attractions and the amount they are willing to pay for admission.
June 29, 2022
UNWTO Barometer June 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO highlights a strong start to the year for international tourism in many parts of the world as restrictions ease and travellers regain confidence. However, it is noted that the amount of travel being undertaken remains significantly down on 2019 and that major headwinds remain.
June 29, 2022
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 2/2022
A broadly downbeat picture is painted, suggesting that the combination of worries about personal finances, the worsening geopolitical situation and lingering concerns about Covid-19 are all hampering any recovery in prospects for a strong rebound in long-haul travel to Europe from key source markets.
June 27, 2022
ETOA Snapshot | Demographic Changes
Ten minute video session with Rachel Read and David Edwards on the effect of demographic changes on the industry.
May 23, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q1 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report paints a broadly optimistic picture based on recent global search and booking volumes, with a sustained period of recovery expected during the months ahead provided there are no unforeseen setbacks.
May 23, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that contends recovery will continue during 2022 but at a slower pace than previously anticipated, with international tourist arrivals in Europe forecast to be 30% lower in 2022 than was the case in 2019.
May 4, 2022
ETOA Insights Webinar | State of Play for the European Tourism Industry 2022
Ahead of ETOA's City Fair B2B networking event in June, we take stock of the big picture for European destinations. We are delighted to collaborate with our new partners at ForwardKeys for a data-driven look at where Europe is now in terms of bookings by source markets, and destinations heading towards a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels.
- Arival's Global Operator Landscape: The State of Experiences (3rd Ed. 2024) Members
- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
- Arival: How Affluent US Millennials Are Changing Travel Planning Members
- Arival: 5 Ways to Attract the US LGBTQ+ Experiences Traveller Members
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