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May 4, 2022
ForwardKeys Presentation – State of Play for European Tourism 2022
The presentation to accompany the webinar with our data partner Forward Keys, covering the global outlook in 2002, changes in booking patterns, European recovery, impact of the war in Ukraine and forecasts for the remainder of 2022.
April 26, 2022
ETC and Atout France ‘Restarting Tourism for the Better: Performance of European Tourism Before, During and After Covid-19’
A report full of helpful insights, charts and tables that shines a light on how European tourism had been performing during the decade ahead of the pandemic, the dramatic impact that the crisis has had on the sector, and how prospects for recovery are shaping up.
April 26, 2022
UNWTO Barometer March 2022
Latest edition of the UNWTO Tourism Barometer summarised by the line “tourism enjoys a strong start to 2022 while facing new uncertainties”. Data is presented showing the performance of different world regions in 2021 along with bespoke analysis that considers the likely impact of the conflict in Ukraine on international tourism.
April 21, 2022
USTOA Webinar | Europe Update with ETOA & ETC
Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA and Eduardo Santander, CEO of ETC, represent respectively the public and private sectors in inbound tourism to Europe. They looked at what has happened, is happening and what might occur in the European tourism economy.
March 29, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Outlook for European leisure travel from Australia and NZ
As Europe finally welcomes back travellers from Australia and New Zealand, we take a look at how operators and their clients are planning for their return.
March 24, 2022
Webinar | Rebuilding city tourism through product diversification
City tourism will regain strength in 2022 and due to built-up demand from global and European source markets many destinations expect 2019 volumes to be reached by 2023. In this webinar we discuss how dialogue between destinations and in-bound tour operators can support a healthy growth in city tourism.
March 24, 2022
2022 Market Update: Nordic Networking Voyage
The slide deck from our Nordic Networking Voyage with our partners at the Nordic Tourism Collective. It gives a market update on prospects for 2022 in the Nordic and Baltic regions, as well as discussion of the human resourcing issues facing the industry.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | USA
A summary of outbound insight and research published by Brand USA.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | New Zealand
A summary of outbound insight and research published by Tourism New Zealand.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | Japan
A summary of outbound insight and research published by Japan Tourism Research.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | South Africa
A summary of outbound insight and research published by South Africa Tourism.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | Canada
A summary of outbound insight and research published by Destination Canada.
March 14, 2022
Origin Market Tourist Board Insights | Australia
A summary of outbound insight and research published by Tourism Australia.
March 9, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Recovery in the Japanese market
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
March 3, 2022
ETOA Travel Trade Masterclass | Asian demand
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
March 1, 2022
SYTA discussion on the Youth Market
An update on the youth travel market between ETOA and SYTA, broadcast as part of ETM North America on 1 March 2022.
March 1, 2022
CATO discussion on Canadian Market prospects
ETOA’s Tom Jenkins catches up with Brett Walker of CATO / Collette Vacations. Broadcast as part of ETM North America on 1st March 2022.
March 1, 2022
ETOA Snapshot | North America Spotlight
Ten minute video session with Rachel Read and David Edwards on prospects for the North American market in 2022.
February 24, 2022
Webinar ETOA | Prospettive sulla ripresa del turismo in Italia
E’ iniziato un nuovo anno ed è tempo di fare il punto sul 2021 e volgere gli occhi e le speranze al 2022. Quali lezioni possiamo imparare dall’anno appena trascorso e quali sono gli elementi che ci permetteranno di aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi entro il 2022?
February 22, 2022
Expedia Traveller Value Index 2022 Outlook
Based on the views of 5,500 respondents the report claims that people value travel and personal time more than ever and that four-in-five are planning at least one leisure trip in 2022, with flexibility still a top consideration for many travellers
February 22, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q4 2021
The latest Expedia Trends Report finds that during 2021 searches increased 70% compared with 2020 and that city destinations are starting to regain ground. Searches are moving to a slightly longer time horizon indicating increased traveller confidence.
February 22, 2022
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2022
In a number of countries there is a growing sense that Europe could be a destination to visit later in 2022, but perhaps not during the early part of the year. Sentiment is more positive in the Americas than in Asia, with those in Japan and China the least likely to be on the cusp of cementing foreign travel plans.
February 22, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that Europe welcomed an estimated 62% fewer arrivals in 2021 than in 2019. Domestic travel is expected to exceed pre-pandemic levels in 2022 but international tourism is not expected to do so until 2024.
February 17, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Mediterranean product and demand
In this free webinar we explore product development and diversification in the Mediterranean region and current demand from global source markets. Expert panellists will share insights about evolving travel trends and business needs and we will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for the region.
February 10, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Perspectivas de futuro: ¿será este año el de la recuperación?
Tras una sorprendentemente positiva edición de Fitur cabe preguntarse si, por fin, se encuentra la industria del turismo en la senda de la recuperación definitiva. En ETOA estamos recibiendo muchas señales positivas que nos hacen pensar que sí, que esta vez remontamos, pero también queremos saber cómo se ven las cosas desde otras perspectivas.
January 24, 2022
WTTC Trending in Travel Jan 22
A report claiming that the wanderlust that fuels the travel and tourism sector remains, but which goes on to explore the ways in which consumer behaviours are shifting, both in response to the pandemic and in relation to concerns about the impact that travel has on the wider environment. The study considers changes in booking trends, what consumers consider important for a holiday experience and how consumer profiles are changing.
January 24, 2022
UNWTO Barometer Jan 2022
An overview of international tourism performance in 2021 showing that while there was some year-on-year growth, volumes remain far short of those seen in 2019. Growth is anticipated in 2022 but even the more optimistic scenario sees volumes 50% below 2019 by the end of the current year. The panel of experts questioned by UNWTO now mostly believe that it will be 2024 or later before we return to pre-pandemic levels.
January 12, 2022
ETOA Webinar: Travel Trade Masterclass | North American Demand January 2022
In this session, guest panellists are tour operators based in North America. We will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
November 17, 2021
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q3 2021
The latest Expedia Trends Report finds that travel search volumes saw little overall change during Q3 but that there are encouraging signs of travellers’ willingness to visit cities showing improvements and an increase in business tourism demand. The majority, 70%, of searches were for travel within a 0-30 day window
November 17, 2021
ETC Trends and Prospects Q3 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which confirms that Europeans did travel in substantial numbers during the peak summer months, but primarily on domestic or inter-regional trips, while long-haul tourism remained in the doldrums. Included in this edition is a feature examining the possibility that the pandemic will have brought an end to an era of increasingly low-cost travel.
October 19, 2021
UNWTO Barometer Sept 2021
The Excerpt from the latest UNWTO Barometer pulls together the latest data on the volume and value of international tourism and sentiment among its panel of tourism experts. While some destinations saw signs of life in international tourism in June and July 2021 the overall picture remains one of diminished international tourism, with inter-regional and especially domestic travel being the mainstay for the tourism industry in many parts of the world.
October 19, 2021
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 3/2021
The key finding is that while residents in key long-haul markets for Europe are more confident than was the case a year ago, they remain cautious about visiting in the immediate future.
September 16, 2021
ETOA Webinar | Europe & Korea – Developing Common Interest in Tourism
Representatives from European destinations, the Korean outbound market and the intermediaries who connect them will meet to discuss the state of play of this market and the opportunities for developing commercial interests.
September 16, 2021
Data Appeal and Sojern Report: Italian Tourism 2021
A 15-page report considering the performance of the tourism sector during summer 2021 and looking ahead to prospects for autumn. The focus of the report is on Italy, but includes a number of other destinations across Europe. It suggests that while there has been a strong bounce-back pre-Covid levels are yet to be achieved, with August flight bookings to Italy being 46% down on 2019.
September 16, 2021
Amadeus Rebuild Travel: Digital Health Survey
9,000 consumers across 9 global markets were surveyed in February 2021 to better understand consumer sentiment regarding the need to provide digital health information when travelling.
Millennials were the most likely to say they would book international travel soon after restrictions are eased with Baby Boomers the least likely to do so.
91% of those polled said there would be some circumstances where they would be comfortable using a digital health passport in order to travel. However, key concerns were the risk that personal information would be hacked, privacy concerns and a lack of transparency and control over where data might be shared
September 16, 2021
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q2 2021
The latest Expedia Trends Report cites strong global search growth, rising international searches and lengthening search windows.
During the past three months searches for city destinations have shown strong growth, although beach destination searches remain strong, which is to be expected given the onset of the Northern Hemisphere summer.
July 29, 2021
YouGov International Travel and Tourism Report 2021
Detailed analysis of the international tourism arena, exploring where people intend to travel, what they are looking for and what is holding them back, based on responses from 185,000 consumers across 25 markets. Analysis looks at intentions to travel, both leisure and business, which markets are likely to return the fastest and whether travellers are becoming more “responsible” in their attitudes.
July 29, 2021
Reiseanalyse German Outbound Holiday Travel Reopening
An exploration of how German citizens currently feel about holiday travel with plenty of charts based on ReiseAnalyse data, examining their plans for the remainder of the year and delving into the need for marketers to understand individual market segments as opposed to basing their decisions on the “average” consumer, as at present there is considerable variation in consumer attitudes.
July 29, 2021
ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which indicates there are faint glimmers of hope for summer as vaccination rates increase and some restrictions are eased, but with a note that downside risks remain in relation to the emergence of new variants. Overall inbound arrivals in Europe are forecast to return to 2019 levels in 2024.
June 23, 2021
Reiseanalyse First Results for 2021
Headline findings from the latest wave of the key survey of German holiday travel demand which has been providing insights for more than half a century.
Germans took 50% fewer foreign holidays in 2020 than the year before but more domestic holidays than in 2019, while looking ahead to 2021 the report finds that holidays remain of central importance to most Germans and, once permitted, they will return to being enthusiastic holiday travellers.
June 23, 2021
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 2/2021
A study which finds that while general consumer confidence is on the rise, few in key long-haul source markets for Europe are minded to travel far from their home country during the next few months. Those not planning an international trip cite safety concerns relating to COVID-19 while those saying they are planning a trip in the next few months remain uncertain about the exact timing.
May 24, 2021
ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism that rather sits on the fence in terms of the upcoming summer by noting that prospects are “mixed”. Plenty of data is reviewed and suggests that early 2021 witnessed Europe facing stiffer headwinds than other global regions.
April 26, 2021
European Promotional Campaign #2 | Europe, Behind the Scenes
One of the greatest challenges is to keep in touch with overseas travellers who, until 2019, represented a high proportion of tourism revenues in Europe. The Chinese FITs contributed to an important part in the segment of oversea travellers, featuring as the most spending tourists in Europe.
March 17, 2021
ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2020
A comprehensive look back at how European destinations performed in 2020 and what shape recovery in 2021 and beyond may take. The report also discusses the future of business tourism, suggesting that rumours of a permanent decline are misplaced.
In addition to taking a look at the aviation and accommodation sectors the report reviews the performance of key origin markets and looks forward to how the economies of European nations and those of important long-haul source markets will perform in the next year or two.
February 10, 2021
Visit Britain Inbound and Domestic Research Webinar Jan 2021
A 90-minute webinar the bulk of which focusses on newly released findings from a study of international travellers undertaken in December 2020 exploring their travel intentions, ‘activators’ and preferences.
February 10, 2021
Travel Weekly Insight Annual Report 2020
A detailed look at the UK travel market drawing heavily on recent consumer research that suggests a shift towards domestic travel and away from overseas holidays, but perhaps not to the extent some have suggested. The study is cautious as to the timing of recovery but remans confident that recovery will come.
The opinion of experts from Deloitte and organisations representing the tourism sector are interspersed with findings from research among UK consumers to help set the scene for future travel trends.
February 10, 2021
UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2020
A comprehensive round-up of international tourism in 2019 revealing that all world regions experienced growth in arrivals which reached 1.5 billion, generating $1,481bn of international tourism receipts. The report contains numerous infographics and tables detailing the economic value of the sector and performance of different world regions in 2019, along with the leading destinations and most valuable source markets.
February 10, 2021
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2021
Findings from an online survey exploring the intentions of those in Brazil, China, Japan, Russia and USA to take a long-haul trip in the first four months of 2021 and the concerns that potential travellers are expressing.
While those in China were keen to start exploring outside their region those in Japan were most hesitant. Among those indicating a lack of travel intention concerns regarding exposure to COVID-19 was a key barrier with this group also expressing uncertainty about a visit to Europe within the next year or two.
February 10, 2021
Tourism Ireland Covid-19 Research late 2020
Online research undertaken in late 2020 across key source markets for Ireland (GB, USA, Germany and France) that found continued unease with taking European holidays at present but reaffirmed that most retained a strong underlying appetite for travel. Many expected vaccination to be mandatory for future travel, although not all said they were willing to receive a vaccine.
While suggesting there is a glimmer of hope for travel to resume, the research indicates that its restart date may still be some while off.
January 11, 2021
Expedia Traveller Sentiment Report
A comprehensive 54-page study that primarily presents findings from fieldwork conducted in October 2020 covering 11,000 respondents spread across 11 markets.
Key findings include the onset of ‘pandemic fatigue’ leading to pent-up demand, a strong desire to protect any risk to both individual health and financial loss, with marketing content that reassures on both these fronts beneficial.
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- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
- Arival: How Affluent US Millennials Are Changing Travel Planning Members
- Arival: 5 Ways to Attract the US LGBTQ+ Experiences Traveller Members
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