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March 15, 2023
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q1 2023
The latest Expedia Trends Report paints a broadly upbeat picture with year-on-year growth in travel searches towards the end of 2022, most especially in Asia following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in China.
February 14, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The imminent return of the Chinese Market
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
January 25, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | India, the next travel powerhouse
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
January 19, 2023
Visit Britain: motivations, influences, decisions and sustainability June 2022
A comprehensive report based on research conducted across multiple countries in the spring of 2022 examining traveller motivations, influences, decisions and sustainability. While much of the report is focussed on the potential inbound market for Britain some sections explore wider issues as well as the degree to which potential visitors are considering Europe as a destination.
December 12, 2022
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q4 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report suggests that the volume of traveller searches has plateaued in the most recent quarter after a protracted spell of growth, with a combination of economic woes and worries about geopolitical issues more likely to account for this than a dampening in consumers’ will to travel.
December 12, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q3 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism finding that the summer has seen strong demand, especially in Southern and Mediterranean destinations, but that concerns persist about the rebound's longevity due to the impact of inflation and resultant lacklustre consumer confidence.
December 12, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 13
The thirteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds that sentiment continues to be strong with 70% planning a trip in the next six months, but worries about the deteriorating economic situation and inflation continue to increase.
November 8, 2022
UNWTO Barometer September 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO suggests that many parts of the world continued to see a steady recovery in international tourism during recent months, especially in Europe and the Middle East. While sentiment among experts remains positive for the remainder of the year there are growing worries as to the impact of a slowing economy and high levels of inflation.
September 7, 2022
UNWTO – The Economic Impact of Restricting International Mobility
A report that pulls together a range of data demonstrating the devastating impact that the pandemic and subsequent restrictions on international mobility has had on the tourism sector since 2020.
September 7, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q2 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report suggests that a strong second half of 2022 is on the cards with the past quarter having witnessed a more than 100% year-on-year increase in flight bookings from the USA to Europe.
September 7, 2022
UNWTO Barometer July 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO confirms that international tourism continues to consolidate its recovery despite mounting economic headwinds.
September 7, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism concluding that headwinds from persistently high inflation and labour shortages within the travel and tourism sector look set to hamper performance during peak summer despite strong pent-up demand from a number of markets and market segments.
June 29, 2022
UNWTO Barometer June 2022
The latest analysis from UNWTO highlights a strong start to the year for international tourism in many parts of the world as restrictions ease and travellers regain confidence. However, it is noted that the amount of travel being undertaken remains significantly down on 2019 and that major headwinds remain.
June 29, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 12
The twelfth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds that sentiment continues to be strong with three-quarters planning a trip in the next six months but that worries about the deteriorating economic situation and inflation have increased.
June 29, 2022
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 2/2022
A broadly downbeat picture is painted, suggesting that the combination of worries about personal finances, the worsening geopolitical situation and lingering concerns about Covid-19 are all hampering any recovery in prospects for a strong rebound in long-haul travel to Europe from key source markets.
May 23, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q1 2022
The latest Expedia Trends Report paints a broadly optimistic picture based on recent global search and booking volumes, with a sustained period of recovery expected during the months ahead provided there are no unforeseen setbacks.
May 23, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that contends recovery will continue during 2022 but at a slower pace than previously anticipated, with international tourist arrivals in Europe forecast to be 30% lower in 2022 than was the case in 2019.
May 23, 2022
STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance May 22
The second STR webinar of 2022 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing examines trends by country, hotel type and demand segment.
April 26, 2022
UNWTO Barometer March 2022
Latest edition of the UNWTO Tourism Barometer summarised by the line “tourism enjoys a strong start to 2022 while facing new uncertainties”. Data is presented showing the performance of different world regions in 2021 along with bespoke analysis that considers the likely impact of the conflict in Ukraine on international tourism.
April 26, 2022
STR Insight Blog – Tourism outlook: A new spring in its step?
A short Insight Blog featuring commentary and charts from the latest STR consumer survey which took place in February. Overall findings are upbeat, suggesting that travel will be embraced as the threat from Covid-19 is perceived to further diminish.
April 26, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 11
The eleventh wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during March, the study found that three in four Europeans were intending to take a trip during the next six months.
April 21, 2022
USTOA Webinar | Europe Update with ETOA & ETC
Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA and Eduardo Santander, CEO of ETC, represent respectively the public and private sectors in inbound tourism to Europe. They looked at what has happened, is happening and what might occur in the European tourism economy.
March 14, 2022
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 11
The eleventh wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. Encouragingly the study finds that only 10% say that their anxiety is strong enough to deter them from visiting an indoor attraction, although a much larger minority remain wary about large crowds, especially in indoor settings.
March 9, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Recovery in the Japanese market
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
March 3, 2022
ETOA Travel Trade Masterclass | Asian demand
In this session, guest panellists will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for their European products and tours.
February 22, 2022
Expedia Traveller Value Index 2022 Outlook
Based on the views of 5,500 respondents the report claims that people value travel and personal time more than ever and that four-in-five are planning at least one leisure trip in 2022, with flexibility still a top consideration for many travellers
February 22, 2022
STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance Feb 22
The first STR webinar of 2022 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing takes a resolutely upbeat stance with domestic demand in 2022 forecast to exceed that of 2019, while international travel will recover more slowly.
February 22, 2022
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q4 2021
The latest Expedia Trends Report finds that during 2021 searches increased 70% compared with 2020 and that city destinations are starting to regain ground. Searches are moving to a slightly longer time horizon indicating increased traveller confidence.
February 22, 2022
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2022
In a number of countries there is a growing sense that Europe could be a destination to visit later in 2022, but perhaps not during the early part of the year. Sentiment is more positive in the Americas than in Asia, with those in Japan and China the least likely to be on the cusp of cementing foreign travel plans.
February 22, 2022
ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that Europe welcomed an estimated 62% fewer arrivals in 2021 than in 2019. Domestic travel is expected to exceed pre-pandemic levels in 2022 but international tourism is not expected to do so until 2024.
February 22, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 10
The tenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during late December the study found travel intentions to have dipped, with fewer having made a definite booking, largely as a result of heightened uncertainty brought about by the emergence of the Omicron variant.
February 17, 2022
ETOA Webinar | Mediterranean product and demand
In this free webinar we explore product development and diversification in the Mediterranean region and current demand from global source markets. Expert panellists will share insights about evolving travel trends and business needs and we will discuss prospects for 2022, planning cycles and product development for the region.
January 24, 2022
CELTH Report on Societal Value of Tourism and Recreation
An exploration of what the Netherlands, and wider world, would look like were the hospitality sector not to survive the current coronavirus crisis, including its economic value, its value to the wider environment and its value to what are referred to as social processes.
January 24, 2022
WTTC Trending in Travel Jan 22
A report claiming that the wanderlust that fuels the travel and tourism sector remains, but which goes on to explore the ways in which consumer behaviours are shifting, both in response to the pandemic and in relation to concerns about the impact that travel has on the wider environment. The study considers changes in booking trends, what consumers consider important for a holiday experience and how consumer profiles are changing.
January 24, 2022
WTTC Paper on Staff Shortages Jan 22
A reminder of how vital a tool travel and tourism has been in global job creation in the past decade which then highlights that in many countries the sector’s recovery from the pandemic is being hampered by staff shortages as former workers have found roles in different parts of the economy. The report makes a number of recommendations as to how governments and businesses can help alleviate the situation.
January 24, 2022
UNWTO Big Data for Better Tourism Policy, and Sustainable Recovery
A comprehensive report which defines Big Data in relation to tourism, highlights the variety of sources of big data and looks at the opportunities and challenges that its use presents. The study highlights the ways in which the adoption of big data could aid both recovery from the pandemic and ensure that tourism has a future grounded in sustainability.
January 24, 2022
UNWTO Barometer Jan 2022
An overview of international tourism performance in 2021 showing that while there was some year-on-year growth, volumes remain far short of those seen in 2019. Growth is anticipated in 2022 but even the more optimistic scenario sees volumes 50% below 2019 by the end of the current year. The panel of experts questioned by UNWTO now mostly believe that it will be 2024 or later before we return to pre-pandemic levels.
December 13, 2021
European Commission – Regional impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourist sector
A hefty tome from DG Regio that describes the tourism ecosystem in Europe through a series of destination typologies, and examines the impact of COVID-19 on them. It takes a broader look at tourism trends (both those from pre-pandemic and those brought about by it) and considers policy initiatives that can promote sustainable tourism.
December 13, 2021
UNWTO The Economic Contribution of Tourism and the Impact of COVID-19
A report that takes a detailed look at how important tourism was to economies right around the world pre-pandemic and explores the dramatic impact that COVID-19 has had on the sector over the past two years.
December 13, 2021
STR Insight Blog: Seasonality and winter chills due to COVID-19
A short but insightful piece based on a survey of global international travellers in early November which acts as a reminder that even before the emergence of the Omicron variant travellers remained nervous about international travel
November 22, 2021
WTTC Report on Adapting to Endemic COVID-19 – The Outlook for Business Travel
A 27- page report which after an Executive Summary goes on to discuss the context for business travel and how endemic COVID-19 may reshape the sector. Evidence is presented to demonstrate how badly the sector has been impacted but this is countered with a discussion on the opportunities for the sector to diversify.
November 17, 2021
Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q3 2021
The latest Expedia Trends Report finds that travel search volumes saw little overall change during Q3 but that there are encouraging signs of travellers’ willingness to visit cities showing improvements and an increase in business tourism demand. The majority, 70%, of searches were for travel within a 0-30 day window
November 17, 2021
STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on European hotel performance Nov 21
The fifth STR webinar of 2021 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing provides a wealth of data and insight in the usual informative and entertaining style adopted by these webinars. A positive tone is set with a belief that many regions will have outperformed expectation in 2021, although not yet at pre-pandemic levels.
November 17, 2021
ETC Trends and Prospects Q3 2021
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which confirms that Europeans did travel in substantial numbers during the peak summer months, but primarily on domestic or inter-regional trips, while long-haul tourism remained in the doldrums. Included in this edition is a feature examining the possibility that the pandemic will have brought an end to an era of increasingly low-cost travel.
November 17, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 9
The ninth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during September the study found sentiment to have remained high with 66% planning to travel between October 2021 and March 2022 and only 15% now saying they do not plan to travel due to COVID-19.
October 19, 2021
Visit Britain Inbound COVID-19 Sentiment Tracker – Wave 3
A survey of 7.500 potential travellers conducted in later summer 2021 across 13 markets in Europe, Asia and North America with a focus on potential trips to Britain, looking at intentions, the planning process and travel preferences. A panoply of tables and charts helps to fill a comprehensive 128-page report including results for each of the markets covered by the study.
October 19, 2021
WTTC Government Policies Enabling Travel & Tourism Recovery During COVID-19
A round-up of various policies adopted by governments around the globe to try and support the travel and tourism sector, whether in the form of fiscal measures, liquidity support, protecting workers or facilitating travel.
October 19, 2021
IATA Air Traveller Response to Covid Wave 7
The latest wave of IATA surveying suggests that air travellers are becoming increasingly frustrated with travel restrictions, believing that it is necessary to learn to live with coronavirus. While providing useful insights it is important to recognise that the study is conducted on behalf of IATA.
October 19, 2021
Amadeus Rebuild Travel Survey 2021
Findings from a survey of 1,000 international travellers in 9 countries across the globe, which finds that while the majority are eager to travel internationally there remains concern regarding the clarity of guidelines/restrictions as well as the potential risk of catching COVID-19 while travelling.
October 19, 2021
UNWTO Barometer Sept 2021
The Excerpt from the latest UNWTO Barometer pulls together the latest data on the volume and value of international tourism and sentiment among its panel of tourism experts. While some destinations saw signs of life in international tourism in June and July 2021 the overall picture remains one of diminished international tourism, with inter-regional and especially domestic travel being the mainstay for the tourism industry in many parts of the world.
- Pulse Check: Operating environment for tourism in 2025 versus 2024
- ETOA Webinar | Crack the Luxury Tourism Code
- ETOA & Arival Webinar | Attraction Ticketing: The Future of Access to Europe’s Top Sites
- Arival's Global Operator Landscape: The State of Experiences (3rd Ed. 2024) Members
- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
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