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October 19, 2021

ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 3/2021

The key finding is that while residents in key long-haul markets for Europe are more confident than was the case a year ago, they remain cautious about visiting in the immediate future.
October 19, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 8

The eighth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during July the study found sentiment to have remained high with 68% planning to travel between July 2021 and January 2022 and only 15% now saying they do not plan to travel due to Covid-19.
September 16, 2021

Data Appeal and Sojern Report: Italian Tourism 2021

A 15-page report considering the performance of the tourism sector during summer 2021 and looking ahead to prospects for autumn. The focus of the report is on Italy, but includes a number of other destinations across Europe. It suggests that while there has been a strong bounce-back pre-Covid levels are yet to be achieved, with August flight bookings to Italy being 46% down on 2019.
September 16, 2021

STR Insight Blog: Tourism After Lockdown: A new standard of accommodation preferences?

A short article exploring the degree to which consumer preferences regarding hotel accommodation are shifting as pandemic-related restrictions are starting to ease in some countries. Findings are based on research conducted in July 2021 in Britain, mainland Europe and North America.
September 16, 2021

STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on European hotel performance Sept 21

The fourth STR webinar of 2021 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing provides a wealth of data and insight in the usual informative and entertaining style adopted by these webinars. Northern Europe has outperformed Southern Europe this summer thanks to staycation demand and barriers deterring international travel to traditional summer hotspots.
September 16, 2021

Amadeus Rebuild Travel: Digital Health Survey

9,000 consumers across 9 global markets were surveyed in February 2021 to better understand consumer sentiment regarding the need to provide digital health information when travelling. Millennials were the most likely to say they would book international travel soon after restrictions are eased with Baby Boomers the least likely to do so. 91% of those polled said there would be some circumstances where they would be comfortable using a digital health passport in order to travel. However, key concerns were the risk that personal information would be hacked, privacy concerns and a lack of transparency and control over where data might be shared
September 16, 2021

Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q2 2021

The latest Expedia Trends Report cites strong global search growth, rising international searches and lengthening search windows. During the past three months searches for city destinations have shown strong growth, although beach destination searches remain strong, which is to be expected given the onset of the Northern Hemisphere summer.
September 16, 2021

ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 10

The tenth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they either have already returned to visiting attractions or will do so once permitted continues to increase while the hesitant “waiting to see what happens” segment has dropped to around 30% of the market.
July 29, 2021

Reiseanalyse German Outbound Holiday Travel Reopening

An exploration of how German citizens currently feel about holiday travel with plenty of charts based on ReiseAnalyse data, examining their plans for the remainder of the year and delving into the need for marketers to understand individual market segments as opposed to basing their decisions on the “average” consumer, as at present there is considerable variation in consumer attitudes.
July 29, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 7

The seventh wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during May the study found sentiment to have improved markedly compared with the previous wave, continuing the trend from the most recent survey waves.
July 29, 2021

ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2021

A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which indicates there are faint glimmers of hope for summer as vaccination rates increase and some restrictions are eased, but with a note that downside risks remain in relation to the emergence of new variants. Overall inbound arrivals in Europe are forecast to return to 2019 levels in 2024.
July 29, 2021

ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 9

The ninth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they either have already returned to visiting attractions or will do so once permitted continues improved since the previous wave in April with a commensurate decline in the numbers saying they will wait and see what happens for a while, whereas the proportion saying they are unlikely to return any time soon remain stubbornly around one-in-five of those polled.
June 23, 2021

Reiseanalyse First Results for 2021

Headline findings from the latest wave of the key survey of German holiday travel demand which has been providing insights for more than half a century. Germans took 50% fewer foreign holidays in 2020 than the year before but more domestic holidays than in 2019, while looking ahead to 2021 the report finds that holidays remain of central importance to most Germans and, once permitted, they will return to being enthusiastic holiday travellers.
June 23, 2021

Expedia Traveller Sentiment Report

A timely snapshot suggesting that global travel searches have picked up in Q1 2021 coinciding with increased levels of vaccination, but with the bulk of searches remaining in the 0-21 day window as consumers remain opportunistic. The likely continued dominance of domestic travel is noted, as is a trend towards longer-stay trips. Overall the study paints a broadly optimistic picture for the speed with which travel may recover later in 2021.
June 23, 2021

Amadeus Report on Rebuilding Hospitality May 21

A study that assesses the latest trends in consumer demand for hotel stays around the world, but primarily investigates the ways in which properties have been adapting their offer, through innovative product development, revised operational procedures and investing in technology. The report presents both survey findings from a global poll of hoteliers along with a number of case studies.
June 23, 2021

ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 2/2021

A study which finds that while general consumer confidence is on the rise, few in key long-haul source markets for Europe are minded to travel far from their home country during the next few months. Those not planning an international trip cite safety concerns relating to COVID-19 while those saying they are planning a trip in the next few months remain uncertain about the exact timing.
June 23, 2021

STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on European hotel performance June 21

The third STR webinar of 2021 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing provides a distinctly upbeat tone, focussing primarily on evidence from the UK showing that domestic leisure demand has rebounded swiftly. The story is not uniform either within the UK or across Europe however, with a number of city destinations lagging regional areas of the UK and several leading European markets continuing to see very low occupancy rates.
May 24, 2021

WTTC Global Economic Impact Infographic May 2021

A 2-page infographic providing the assessment of WTTC regarding global tourism fortunes in 2020. As might be expected data is firmly in negative territory with a halving in the relative importance of travel and tourism to global GDP and 62 million fewer travel and tourism jobs. WTTC is gradually producing updated infographics for nations around the world detailing key travel and tourism metrics for 2020.
May 24, 2021

ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2021

A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism that rather sits on the fence in terms of the upcoming summer by noting that prospects are “mixed”. Plenty of data is reviewed and suggests that early 2021 witnessed Europe facing stiffer headwinds than other global regions.
May 24, 2021

ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 8

The eighth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they will return to visiting attractions once permitted continues to improve strongly since the previous wave in March with a commensurate decline in the numbers saying they are unlikely to return for a long time but remain around one-in-five of those polled.
May 24, 2021

STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance

The second STR webinar of 2021 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing set a largely upbeat tone, focussing on emerging evidence from the UK that once consumers have certainty regarding when travel is permitted bookings will follow. A note of caution was however struck in relation to how swiftly business, group and event travel may resume.
April 26, 2021

European Promotional Campaign #2 | Europe, Behind the Scenes

One of the greatest challenges is to keep in touch with overseas travellers who, until 2019, represented a high proportion of tourism revenues in Europe. The Chinese FITs contributed to an important part in the segment of oversea travellers, featuring as the most spending tourists in Europe.
April 26, 2021

STR Blog: Travel Barriers after lockdown

A short blog article from STR shining a light on some of the findings from a recent poll of more than 1,300 global travellers. The article discusses the barriers influencing travellers’ decisions not to book or undertake overnight trips including government restrictions, the behaviour of other travellers and financial concerns such as the challenge of getting a refund.
April 26, 2021

ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 7

The seventh wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they will return to visiting attractions once permitted continues to edge up while those saying they are unlikely to return for a long time edge down in number, but remain around one-in-three.
April 26, 2021

IATA Air Traveller Response to Covid Wave 5

The fifth wave of sentiment tracking by IATA brings to the surface the opinions of recent fliers from 11 countries around the world. Findings include that two-thirds report restrictions have negatively impacted their quality of life, that 84% won’t travel if there is a chance of quarantine and nine-in-ten say that governments should standardise protocols relating to vaccination and testing.
April 26, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 6

The sixth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during February the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the previous wave, a trend now becoming well established.
April 13, 2021

ETOA Webinar | Tourisme en France: les clés d’une reprise durable

Quelles sont les clés pour une reprise réussie du tourisme en France: à court terme; tout en continuant d’atténuer et gérer la crise de la COVID-19, et pour les années à venir?
March 30, 2021

ETOA Webinar | Re-opening Europe: follow the evidence

How and when will Europe re-open in 2021? While pandemic management is the priority, planning a safe return to international mobility as soon as conditions permit is essential. Once Europe’s internal borders open, it would be illogical to exclude long-haul visitors who can meet health requirements. Meanwhile, safe travel corridors are being developed bilaterally. Responsible return to travel is possible: clients are more than ready to get tested, vaccinated and observe all necessary protocols. We can deliver safe services, for tourists, business visitors and the events industry. We have learned to live and work with continued public health precautions.
March 17, 2021

Euromonitor Top 100 City Destinations 2021

Available as a standalone set of slides or with an accompanying 32 minute webinar the analysis looks at how leading global city destinations performed in 2020 and briefly considers trends that may emerge in 2021. Each world region is put under the spotlight looking at city rankings along with a number of city case studies focussing on the ways in which DMOs or NTOs responded to the pandemic.
March 17, 2021

ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2020

A comprehensive look back at how European destinations performed in 2020 and what shape recovery in 2021 and beyond may take. The report also discusses the future of business tourism, suggesting that rumours of a permanent decline are misplaced. In addition to taking a look at the aviation and accommodation sectors the report reviews the performance of key origin markets and looks forward to how the economies of European nations and those of important long-haul source markets will perform in the next year or two.
March 17, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 5

The penultimate of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during late December and January the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the month before for the second consecutive wave of the study.
March 16, 2021

UNWTO Covid-19 Travel Restrictions Report

Latest in a series of detailed UNWTO reviews that describe the extent to which governments around the world are continuing to restrict travel and tourism. A detailed report providing a single over-arching insight, namely that two-thirds of global destinations are either fully or partially closed to international arrivals, and that the governments of most of the leading source markets are advising their citizens to avoid all non-essential foreign travel. Reports are produced and updated frequently. You will find the most recent one on this page, as well as links to earlier reports.
February 23, 2021

Seminario ETOA | hacia una recuperación sostenible del turismo

El próximo 23 de febrero celebraremos, de la mano de NECSTour, un interesante seminario centrado en la recuperación del sector turístico y, más concretamente, en cómo debería el mercado español enfrentarse a ella teniendo en cuenta la llegada y distribución de los fondos europeos. ¿Será eficiente su reparto? ¿Se tendrá en cuenta la importancia de un sector que es clave para la economía española?
February 10, 2021

ETOA Survey – Britain and Ireland Recovery Prospects January 2021

A 2-page summary of the survey ETOA carried out with attendees at our Britain and Ireland Marketplace in January 2021 on the speed with which they anticipate a recovery in demand.
February 10, 2021

Travel Weekly Insight Annual Report 2020

A detailed look at the UK travel market drawing heavily on recent consumer research that suggests a shift towards domestic travel and away from overseas holidays, but perhaps not to the extent some have suggested. The study is cautious as to the timing of recovery but remans confident that recovery will come. The opinion of experts from Deloitte and organisations representing the tourism sector are interspersed with findings from research among UK consumers to help set the scene for future travel trends.
February 10, 2021

ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2021

Findings from an online survey exploring the intentions of those in Brazil, China, Japan, Russia and USA to take a long-haul trip in the first four months of 2021 and the concerns that potential travellers are expressing. While those in China were keen to start exploring outside their region those in Japan were most hesitant. Among those indicating a lack of travel intention concerns regarding exposure to COVID-19 was a key barrier with this group also expressing uncertainty about a visit to Europe within the next year or two.
February 10, 2021

Tourism Ireland Covid-19 Research late 2020

Online research undertaken in late 2020 across key source markets for Ireland (GB, USA, Germany and France) that found continued unease with taking European holidays at present but reaffirmed that most retained a strong underlying appetite for travel. Many expected vaccination to be mandatory for future travel, although not all said they were willing to receive a vaccine. While suggesting there is a glimmer of hope for travel to resume, the research indicates that its restart date may still be some while off.
January 27, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 4

The fourth of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during November and early December the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the month before on the back of encouraging vaccine developments.
January 14, 2021

ETOA Webinar | Hotels, accommodation providers and the travel trade 2021-22

As we settle into the New Year, ETOA presented this webinar as part of its Insights Hub focussed on assessing the opportunities and obstacles that will be faced by the European accommodation sector in 2021 and beyond. Hoteliers and operators joined us to discuss the latest picture for hotels in Europe in terms on bookings, markets and recovery.
January 11, 2021

Expedia Traveller Sentiment Report

A comprehensive 54-page study that primarily presents findings from fieldwork conducted in October 2020 covering 11,000 respondents spread across 11 markets. Key findings include the onset of ‘pandemic fatigue’ leading to pent-up demand, a strong desire to protect any risk to both individual health and financial loss, with marketing content that reassures on both these fronts beneficial.
January 11, 2021

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 3

The third of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during October and early November the study found sentiment to be deteriorating on the back of rising infection levels and the reintroduction of lockdowns. Little change was found in what is worrying consumers (air travel, quarantine, getting sick while away) or those factors likely to encourage them to book travel (flexible cancellation policies, removal of travel restrictions and vaccine deployment).
January 11, 2021

UNWTO Barometer Dec 2020

A comprehensive 12-page summary of how international tourism has been performing in different markets during 2020, revealing a likely decline of 70%-75% globally by the end of 2020. Slow virus containment, travel restrictions and lacklustre consumer confidence are cited as the major challenges, but optimism of a rebound in the second half of 2021 remains, although pre-pandemic volumes are not expected until 2023 or 2024.
January 11, 2021

Group NAO Tourism Taxes by Design

A detailed study that came about on the back of an ever-growing number of tourism taxes but coincided with the dramatic decline in tourism flows due to the pandemic. The research is wide-ranging, looking at examples of different forms of tourism tax, the wide range of rationales used for their introduction, the evidence about their effectiveness and an analysis of how tourism taxes can be introduced in a way that is underpinned by stakeholder support and consumer willingness to pay. Findings from an extensive survey of DMOs is also included, revealing the significant funding shortfalls that many currently face.
January 11, 2021

Tourism Ireland Covid-19 Research 2020

A short but detailed summary of research conducted by Tourism Ireland in September across eleven European and long-haul source markets. The study found that those who travelled in summer 2020 had largely enjoyed their experience, but that sentiment had worsened compared with earlier in the summer due to higher incidence of coronavirus. The study identifies a strong preference to drive to a destination and that the majority were optimistic about undertaking international travel before the end of 2021.
January 11, 2021

ETC European Tourism Trends and Prospects Q3 2020

A regular report produced by European Travel Commission that is packed with commentary, tables and charts looking at the performance of Europe during the third quarter of 2020. The analysis features projections for potential recovery paths, the performance of the aviation and accommodation sectors and a look at wider economic issues.
December 31, 2020

ETOA Webinar Archive

ETOA Webinar archive from 2020 and earlier.
November 11, 2020

ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 1

The first of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. On a positive note the research finds that most remain enthusiastic about travel, and more than half intended to travel within the next six months (the fieldwork was undertaken in August 2020). On the downside this perhaps reinforces the trend for periods of optimism regarding a travel bounce-back to be dashed by events.
November 11, 2020

STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance

The final STR webinar of 2020 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing against the backdrop of the pandemic and many countries moving back towards lockdown. The hour-long webinar is an easy listen, although the findings are downbeat, showing Europe to be the only world region where occupancy rates are in retreat and where the upcoming period looks exceptionally challenging.
October 12, 2020

USTOA Member Survey August 2020

A brief description of findings from the latest USTOA survey of its Active Members, with commentary comparing results in August and those of the earlier survey wave in May/June. While much of the report consists of data tables headline findings are annotated, the most noteworthy of which is that while more respondents reported bookings in the past 60 days were increasing than declining the gap had narrowed significantly since the previous survey.
October 12, 2020

ETC Handbook on COVID-19 Recovery for NTOs

A hefty tome that looks at what European NTOs have been doing in the sort-term to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, but takes a long hard look at the future, seeing the current crisis as an opportunity for NTOs to pivot towards a more sustainability-focussed view of how tourism can develop, thereby benefitting not just visitors but local communities, economies and the environment.