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January 21, 2025
Global Accessibility Report from City Destinations Alliance
With one-in-six of the global population having some form of accessibility needs the report takes a look at various initiatives being pursued by destinations to ensure they are welcoming to all visitors, and the steps that destinations can take to progress their understanding of accessibility.
November 28, 2024
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 20
The twentieth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during September this wave finds that close to three out of four Europeans are planning to travel within Europe over the next six months.
July 11, 2024
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 19
The nineteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during May and early June this wave finds that three out of four Europeans are planning to travel between June and November this year.
May 20, 2024
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 18
The eighteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during April 2024 this wave finds that the appetite for leisure travel within Europe during the upcoming summer is stronger than was the case a year ago.
April 19, 2024
Tourism Alliance Insight Conference – UK as a Destination March 2024
The complete deck of all the presentations at the Tourism Alliance Insight Conference on 19th March 2024.
November 13, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 17
The 17th wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour.
November 2, 2023
ETOA Industry Briefing November 2023
The complete slide deck from our Industry Briefing in November 2023.
August 17, 2023
City DNA – City Travel Report 2023
The full report is available to purchase, but the Executive Summary contains some important findings that reflect the experience of 115 city destinations across Europe, demonstrating that visitors began returning to cities in 2022 after the two very lean preceding years.
July 18, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 16
The sixteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour.
April 20, 2023
Tourism Alliance Insight Day – UK as a Destination March 2023
The complete slide deck from the Tourism Alliance Insight Day on the UK as a destination.
April 20, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 15
The fifteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds a slight dip in travel intentions for the next six months compared with a year ago with inflationary pressures a definite concern, although most intend to protect their travel budgets.
March 15, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 14
The fourteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds an uptick in travel intentions compared with this time last year (when worries over Omicron were rife).
December 12, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 13
The thirteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds that sentiment continues to be strong with 70% planning a trip in the next six months, but worries about the deteriorating economic situation and inflation continue to increase.
September 7, 2022
ALVA Public Sentiment Research – What is the outlook for visitor attractions?
The latest wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The report explores the current barriers preventing the public from visiting attractions and the prospects for admissions during the remainder of summer 2022.
June 29, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 12
The twelfth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds that sentiment continues to be strong with three-quarters planning a trip in the next six months but that worries about the deteriorating economic situation and inflation have increased.
April 26, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 11
The eleventh wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during March, the study found that three in four Europeans were intending to take a trip during the next six months.
March 14, 2022
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 11
The eleventh wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. Encouragingly the study finds that only 10% say that their anxiety is strong enough to deter them from visiting an indoor attraction, although a much larger minority remain wary about large crowds, especially in indoor settings.
February 22, 2022
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 10
The tenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during late December the study found travel intentions to have dipped, with fewer having made a definite booking, largely as a result of heightened uncertainty brought about by the emergence of the Omicron variant.
November 17, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 9
The ninth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during September the study found sentiment to have remained high with 66% planning to travel between October 2021 and March 2022 and only 15% now saying they do not plan to travel due to COVID-19.
October 19, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 8
The eighth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during July the study found sentiment to have remained high with 68% planning to travel between July 2021 and January 2022 and only 15% now saying they do not plan to travel due to Covid-19.
September 16, 2021
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 10
The tenth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they either have already returned to visiting attractions or will do so once permitted continues to increase while the hesitant “waiting to see what happens” segment has dropped to around 30% of the market.
July 29, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 7
The seventh wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during May the study found sentiment to have improved markedly compared with the previous wave, continuing the trend from the most recent survey waves.
July 29, 2021
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 9
The ninth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they either have already returned to visiting attractions or will do so once permitted continues improved since the previous wave in April with a commensurate decline in the numbers saying they will wait and see what happens for a while, whereas the proportion saying they are unlikely to return any time soon remain stubbornly around one-in-five of those polled.
May 24, 2021
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 8
The eighth wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they will return to visiting attractions once permitted continues to improve strongly since the previous wave in March with a commensurate decline in the numbers saying they are unlikely to return for a long time but remain around one-in-five of those polled.
April 26, 2021
ALVA UK Attractions Recovery Wave 7
The seventh wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The numbers saying that they will return to visiting attractions once permitted continues to edge up while those saying they are unlikely to return for a long time edge down in number, but remain around one-in-three.
April 26, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 6
The sixth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during February the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the previous wave, a trend now becoming well established.
March 17, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 5
The penultimate of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during late December and January the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the month before for the second consecutive wave of the study.
January 27, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 4
The fourth of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during November and early December the study found sentiment to have improved slightly compared with the month before on the back of encouraging vaccine developments.
January 11, 2021
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 3
The third of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. With fieldwork during October and early November the study found sentiment to be deteriorating on the back of rising infection levels and the reintroduction of lockdowns.
Little change was found in what is worrying consumers (air travel, quarantine, getting sick while away) or those factors likely to encourage them to book travel (flexible cancellation policies, removal of travel restrictions and vaccine deployment).
November 11, 2020
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 1
The first of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. On a positive note the research finds that most remain enthusiastic about travel, and more than half intended to travel within the next six months (the fieldwork was undertaken in August 2020). On the downside this perhaps reinforces the trend for periods of optimism regarding a travel bounce-back to be dashed by events.
June 19, 2020
Skift on the pivot to domestic travel
A short article from Skift, looking at which countries might gain and which lose if all international travel demand shifts to domestic.
- Pulse Check: Operating environment for tourism in 2025 versus 2024
- ETOA Webinar | Crack the Luxury Tourism Code
- ETOA & Arival Webinar | Attraction Ticketing: The Future of Access to Europe’s Top Sites
- Arival's Global Operator Landscape: The State of Experiences (3rd Ed. 2024) Members
- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
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