The ETOA Insight Hub presents a rich statistical and insights service for our members, partners and stakeholders. Its aim is to provide up-to-date research, actionable insights and opinion pieces on the topics that matter to our members. Additionally, it serves to demonstrate the value of tourism to global and local economies, lending weight to our lobbying activities and supporting our vision of Better Tourism in Europe.

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September 15, 2022

ETOA & NTC Webinar | The Japanese market: expectation and recovery

In this ETOA / Nordic Tourism Collective webinar, we discuss the current situation of the Japanese market and expectations of recovery. We were joined by in-market partners and Japanese travel and tourism professionals.
September 13, 2022

ETOA Insights | Summer Season Review and looking ahead

We are delighted to collaborate with our partners at ForwardKeys for a data-driven look at where Europe is now in terms of bookings by source markets, and destinations heading towards a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels.
September 9, 2022

ETOA Webinar | Origin market insight: North America

In this webinar, we discussed how the North American market is responding to this year’s challenges and preparing for the coming year, also looking at current trends and future bookings.
September 7, 2022

UNWTO – The Economic Impact of Restricting International Mobility

A report that pulls together a range of data demonstrating the devastating impact that the pandemic and subsequent restrictions on international mobility has had on the tourism sector since 2020.
September 7, 2022

Amadeus Consumer Travel Spend Priorities 2022

A 15-page report with a focus on the links between travel and fintech based on a survey of 4,500 consumers in June 2022 from France, Germany, UK, USA and Singapore.
September 7, 2022

Expedia Travel Recovery Trend Report Q2 2022

The latest Expedia Trends Report suggests that a strong second half of 2022 is on the cards with the past quarter having witnessed a more than 100% year-on-year increase in flight bookings from the USA to Europe.
September 7, 2022

ALVA Public Sentiment Research – What is the outlook for visitor attractions?

The latest wave of a sentiment tracker looking at the views of the attractions-going population in the UK. The report explores the current barriers preventing the public from visiting attractions and the prospects for admissions during the remainder of summer 2022.
September 7, 2022

STR Insight Blog: Travel disruption and financial barriers stall consumer sentiment, but wanderlust remains

A short Insight Blog featuring commentary and charts from the latest STR consumer survey, conducted in July 2022, exploring the degree to which consumers have an appetite to travel and the barriers are that dissuade them from doing so.
September 7, 2022

UNWTO Barometer July 2022

The latest analysis from UNWTO confirms that international tourism continues to consolidate its recovery despite mounting economic headwinds.
September 7, 2022

ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2022

A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism concluding that headwinds from persistently high inflation and labour shortages within the travel and tourism sector look set to hamper performance during peak summer despite strong pent-up demand from a number of markets and market segments.
August 5, 2022

ETOA Webinar | German VAT

In this webinar, sponsored by Big Bus, Tom Jenkins will discuss implications of the implementation of German VAT in 2023 together David Bennett, Elman Wall Bennett Ltd.
July 13, 2022

ETOA Webinar | Intercettare il turismo internazionale

In questo anno particolare e di forte ripresa del turismo internazionale, è essenziale cercare di intercettare i clienti B2B interessati a stabilire delle relazioni dirette e a lungo termine nel mercato italiano. Insieme ai nostri partner Amadeus e Proedi Comunicazione parliamo di dati e tendenze del turismo in Italia e l’importanza della comunicazione e informazione per i propri clienti e come intercettare al meglio il turismo internazionale grazie ai servizi di ETOA.
June 29, 2022

Clearsight Report on UK consumers and out of home activities

This report examines levels of UK consumer participation across key out-of-home activities. It hints at outbound travel continuing to be constrained in 2022 but domestic travel potentially benefiting from a change in habits and the growing pressure on disposable income from inflation.
June 29, 2022

Tiqets: Must-Know Travel Industry Trends for the 2022 High Season

Findings from a survey of 2,000 Americans exploring what they are seeking when travelling, whether for business or leisure, how they find out about visitor attractions and the amount they are willing to pay for admission.
June 29, 2022

UNWTO Barometer June 2022

The latest analysis from UNWTO highlights a strong start to the year for international tourism in many parts of the world as restrictions ease and travellers regain confidence. However, it is noted that the amount of travel being undertaken remains significantly down on 2019 and that major headwinds remain.