Insight Hub
Statistics, opinion and research
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Articulating the value of tourism in Europe
The ETOA Insight Hub presents a rich statistical and insights service for our members, partners and stakeholders. Its aim is to provide up-to-date research, actionable insights and opinion pieces on the topics that matter to our members. Additionally, it serves to demonstrate the value of tourism to global and local economies, lending weight to our lobbying activities and supporting our vision of Better Tourism in Europe.
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January 11, 2021
UNWTO Barometer Dec 2020
A comprehensive 12-page summary of how international tourism has been performing in different markets during 2020, revealing a likely decline of 70%-75% globally by the end of 2020. Slow virus containment, travel restrictions and lacklustre consumer confidence are cited as the major challenges, but optimism of a rebound in the second half of 2021 remains, although pre-pandemic volumes are not expected until 2023 or 2024.
January 11, 2021
Group NAO Tourism Taxes by Design
A detailed study that came about on the back of an ever-growing number of tourism taxes but coincided with the dramatic decline in tourism flows due to the pandemic.
The research is wide-ranging, looking at examples of different forms of tourism tax, the wide range of rationales used for their introduction, the evidence about their effectiveness and an analysis of how tourism taxes can be introduced in a way that is underpinned by stakeholder support and consumer willingness to pay.
Findings from an extensive survey of DMOs is also included, revealing the significant funding shortfalls that many currently face.
January 11, 2021
ECM Benchmarking Report 16th Edition
The freely available Executive Summary provides a glimpse into the much more detailed analysis available from the full purchasable report.
While only scratching the surface of the data and analysis available within the full report the Executive Summary highlights that 2019 was a year of growth for European city destinations, that this growth outstripped regional performance and that all major source markets generated increased levels of visitation than in 2018.
January 11, 2021
Tourism Ireland Covid-19 Research 2020
A short but detailed summary of research conducted by Tourism Ireland in September across eleven European and long-haul source markets. The study found that those who travelled in summer 2020 had largely enjoyed their experience, but that sentiment had worsened compared with earlier in the summer due to higher incidence of coronavirus. The study identifies a strong preference to drive to a destination and that the majority were optimistic about undertaking international travel before the end of 2021.
January 11, 2021
ETC European Tourism Trends and Prospects Q3 2020
A regular report produced by European Travel Commission that is packed with commentary, tables and charts looking at the performance of Europe during the third quarter of 2020. The analysis features projections for potential recovery paths, the performance of the aviation and accommodation sectors and a look at wider economic issues.
November 24, 2020
Amadeus Report – global traveller survey
A summary report showcasing the findings from recent research that explored the concerns and requirements of international travellers across six separate markets (France, Germany, India, Singapore, UK and USA - separate reports for each market are also available).
November 11, 2020
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 1
The first of six planned waves of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. On a positive note the research finds that most remain enthusiastic about travel, and more than half intended to travel within the next six months (the fieldwork was undertaken in August 2020). On the downside this perhaps reinforces the trend for periods of optimism regarding a travel bounce-back to be dashed by events.
November 11, 2020
WTTC: You have reached your destination
WTTC has recognised the need for public and private sectors around the world to learn from each other rather than ‘reinvent the wheel’ in terms of best practice in delivering travel and tourism, with this report highlighting fascinating examples from destinations around the world under a variety of headings including ‘prioritising the sector’, ‘planning for sustainable and inclusive growth’ and ‘securing and facilitating travel’.
November 11, 2020
STR Webinar COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance
The final STR webinar of 2020 to focus on how Europe’s hotel sector is performing against the backdrop of the pandemic and many countries moving back towards lockdown. The hour-long webinar is an easy listen, although the findings are downbeat, showing Europe to be the only world region where occupancy rates are in retreat and where the upcoming period looks exceptionally challenging.
October 12, 2020
UNWTO Measuring Sustainable Tourism Brochure
The brochure presents the aim of creating a common statistical language for measuring the impact and contribution that tourism makes to the economy, society and environment, thereby allowing for a fuller account to be taken of sustainability issues when crafting tourism policies.
October 12, 2020
USTOA Member Survey August 2020
A brief description of findings from the latest USTOA survey of its Active Members, with commentary comparing results in August and those of the earlier survey wave in May/June. While much of the report consists of data tables headline findings are annotated, the most noteworthy of which is that while more respondents reported bookings in the past 60 days were increasing than declining the gap had narrowed significantly since the previous survey.
October 12, 2020
ETC Handbook on COVID-19 Recovery for NTOs
A hefty tome that looks at what European NTOs have been doing in the sort-term to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, but takes a long hard look at the future, seeing the current crisis as an opportunity for NTOs to pivot towards a more sustainability-focussed view of how tourism can develop, thereby benefitting not just visitors but local communities, economies and the environment.
October 12, 2020
Tiquets – Tourism Trends 2020 Report: The European Traveller’s Mindset Post-COVID
Results from a survey of 300 respondents spread across five countries looking at travel intentions for the remainder of 2020 and what museums and attractions could do to attract visitors back.
While an easy and comparatively upbeat read, it should be noted that this analysis is based on a small sample and reflects the sense of optimism felt at the time of the survey in high summer - traveller intentions may have shifted somewhat as summer turned to autumn.
September 17, 2020
WTTC Recovery Scenarios 2020 & Economic Impact from COVID-19
Analysis conducted by WTTC presented in the form of a 5-page report with accompanying infographics for each world region in addition to a global summary.
Results from WTTC and Oxford Economics modelling covering a baseline, upside and downside scenario are showcased. As its starting point the study notes that swift and coordinated action by governments to safely restart travel and tourism will be crucial in minimising the economic fallout brought about by the crisis.
Since the analysis was conducted in June the downside scenario would appear to be far more likely than the upside scenario.
- ETOA & Arival Webinar | Attraction Ticketing: The Future of Access to Europe’s Top Sites
- Arival's Global Operator Landscape: The State of Experiences (3rd Ed. 2024) Members
- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
- Arival: How Affluent US Millennials Are Changing Travel Planning Members
- Arival: 5 Ways to Attract the US LGBTQ+ Experiences Traveller Members
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