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July 19, 2023
ETOA Olympic Report Archive
Archive of ETOA's Olympic Games Reports dating from 2006-2010
July 18, 2023
The impacts of tax-free shopping in the EU – Global Blue and Oxford Economics
A synopsis produced by Global Blue that mainly relies on a detailed study undertaken by Oxford Economics to assess the contribution that tax free shopping makes to EU jobs, GDP and tax revenues.
July 18, 2023
Unlocking Travel’s Potential – The importance of UK-EU mobility for jobs and growth
An ABTA report discussing the barriers that have arisen following the UK’s exit from the EU, focussing on the ability of UK businesses to hire UK nationals to work in the EU. The short report contains a multitude of statistical nuggets to demonstrate the importance of outbound travel to the EU from Britain.
July 18, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 16
The sixteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour.
July 18, 2023
ETC Trends and Prospects Q2 2023
A detailed review of the latest trends and near-term prospects for European tourism that suggests that many destinations across Europe look set for a strong summer performance despite the ongoing cost-of-living headwinds.
July 10, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Show Me The Money: Visitor Spend in Europe
We have plentiful information on visitor numbers to Europe, but how much are they spending?
July 10, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Europe as a World Wide Destination
Europe has for decades prided itself in being the “world’s favourite destination”
July 5, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Origin market insight: Asia
In this webinar Tom Jenkins and our expert panel will explore the current status of the Asian outbound markets to Europe
June 22, 2023
ETOA Insights Webinar | ForwardKeys Most Popular Cities Report: Will this be the last super summer?
The latest report from our partners at ForwardKeys on the most popular city destinations for summer 2023.
June 16, 2023
Travel Tech Show: Challenges and considerations for future tech stack
An opinion piece from the Travel Tech Show on the challenges and considerations travel operators need to be aware of when planning their future tech stack and factors influencing future travel technologies.
June 7, 2023
Mabrian Study: Rethinking the sustainability of long-haul travel
A study from our data partners at Mabrian that analyses the impact of long haul travel on the environment and questions how long-haul travel can be a viable and sustainable option.
June 7, 2023
Open Destinations: The 8 signs you need travel outsourcing services
An opinion piece from ETOA member Open Destinations on signs that you may need outsourcing services.
May 23, 2023
Student Universe: The State of Student and Youth Travel in 2023
A report based on a survey of students from around the world as well as interviews with travel industry experts. In addition to sharing a plethora of statistics related to the youth and student travel industry the report highlights the three core pillars of travel for this segment; education, vocation, and leisure.
May 23, 2023
Short-term rentals data story Q1 2023 published by Transparent
Three chapters relating to short-term rentals discuss OTAs, growth and the outlook, revealing a range of insights into the characteristics and prospects for this market segment.
May 23, 2023
UNWTO Experiences in measuring the sustainability of tourism
The report sets out to provide a synopsis for policymakers based on the findings of a series of eleven pilot studies in different destinations around the world focussed on measuring the sustainability of tourism
May 23, 2023
WTTC Economic Impact of Tourism Infographics and 2023 forecasts
Headline infographics showing the economic value of tourism in world regions in 2022, the change from 2021 and the relative position compared with 2019.
May 23, 2023
WTTC Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Opportunities and Implications for Tourism Destinations
A report which at its heart is making the case for the public and private sectors to focus on developing Sustainable Aviation Fuels that will allow the sector to decarbonise without the need for governments to introduce policies aimed at curbing the extent to which individuals can choose to fly.
May 23, 2023
UNWTO Barometer May 2023
The latest UNWTO analysis suggests that last year Europe welcomed 595 million international tourist arrivals, compared with 744 million in 2019, and that in the first quarter of this year volumes have reached 90% of their pre-pandemic level.
May 23, 2023
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q2 2023
The latest Expedia Trends Report continues to focus on the positive signs for the upcoming summer period, highlighting data indicating that overall search volumes in the first three months of this year were 10% up on the same period of 2022.
May 23, 2023
ETC Trends and Prospects Q1 2023
A detailed review of the latest trends and near-term prospects for European tourism which finds that international tourism in Europe recovered to 82% of its 2019 scale by the end of last year. The report includes analysis of individual destination performance alongside forecasts for both inbound and outbound tourism over the next few years by world region.
May 23, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Meeting the Chinese huge demand for 2023-24
The Chinese market is coming back – is Europe ready and competitive? What can be done to open capacity, are there short-term fixes and are visas being processed adequately? ETOA has convened a panel to explore these issues, looking to consolidate a Europe-wide response. Join the conversation.
May 18, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Tech Matters
Efficient and cost effective distribution is key to all travel businesses. Hear how technology is reshaping distribution in the travel industry. Join our experts as we discuss distribution from three perspectives: from that of an OTA, how we connect to customers and how distribution resides in the B2B Marketplace.
May 18, 2023
ETOA Webinar | German VAT Update May 2023
Germany’s proposal to unilaterally impose a sales tax on non-EU sales of German vacations remains on the statute books. It is now due for implementation on the 1st of January 2024. This webinar featured a discussion of what might be anticipated, if there have been any developments since the last time we looked at the subject and when we might hear from the European Commission on their plans for Tour Operators Margin Scheme reform.
May 9, 2023
Mabrian blog summaries
A range of blog entries containing data from our partners at Mabrian.
May 3, 2023
Open Destinations The 3 Growing Pains of Heritage Railways: The Case for Online Ticket sales
A case study from ETOA member Open Destinations on how Heritage Railways are modernising their online ticketing capability.
April 20, 2023
Tourism Alliance Insight Day – UK as a Destination March 2023
The complete slide deck from the Tourism Alliance Insight Day on the UK as a destination.
April 20, 2023
Rediscovering Europe: The Return of Chinese Tourists March 2023
A comprehensive discussion examining how the habits of Chinese travellers are changing and what they expect from a holiday, often with reference to the strategies being deployed by various European tourism promotion agencies. The report features numerous hints and tips that it is claimed will enhance marketers ability to attract Chinese travellers.
April 20, 2023
WTTC World in Motion January 2023
The report champions the recovery in tourism in 2022 and highlights that despite economic headwinds many consumers are still placing travel high on their list of priorities. The study discusses the role of social media, the resilience of luxury travel and consumer attitudes towards sustainability.
April 20, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 15
The fifteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds a slight dip in travel intentions for the next six months compared with a year ago with inflationary pressures a definite concern, although most intend to protect their travel budgets.
March 28, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Trends and stats: The state of play for European tourism
In this webinar we will take a wide-ranging, data-driven look at current trends in search and booking patterns, top destinations and the situation in Europe’s key long-haul origin markets.
March 22, 2023
WeTravel – Travel Trends Report 2023
WeTravel report provides insights into this year's bookings and payments trends based on the data collected from a survey of 150 tour operators combined with the data from their 3,000+ clients.
March 21, 2023
ForwardKeys Industry Blog
A selection of articles and opinion pieces from our data partners at ForwardKeys.
March 16, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Tourism providers and buyers – getting to grips with TikTok
TikTok is a global phenomenon, familiar to all and yet fully understood by far-fewer. Should TikTok be part of your social-media and advertising strategy? We will be showcasing real work done on TikTok in the travel industry in the webinar.
March 15, 2023
Tourism Economics: Europe’s Long Haul Travel Recovery
A summary of prospects for the recovery of long-haul tourism to Europe over the next few years, highlighting that despite eased travel restrictions volumes from China are not expected to regain pre-pandemic levels in the short-term, whereas visits from the USA to many destinations in Europe could match those of 2019 during the current year.
March 15, 2023
ETC Trends and Prospects Q4 2022
A comprehensive look at recent trends and near-term prospects for European tourism finding that despite an array of challenges, consumers remain keen on travelling, but that the economic situation requires their plans to be adjusted in order that holidays and short-breaks can be deemed affordable.
March 15, 2023
Expedia Traveller Insights Report Q1 2023
The latest Expedia Trends Report paints a broadly upbeat picture with year-on-year growth in travel searches towards the end of 2022, most especially in Asia following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in China.
March 15, 2023
ETC Monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-European travel Wave 14
The fourteenth wave of online research looking at the extent to which Europeans are planning travel, their concerns and what factors are likely to influence behaviour. This wave finds an uptick in travel intentions compared with this time last year (when worries over Omicron were rife).
March 15, 2023
ETC Long haul travel sentiment barometer 1/2023
An insight into how those in key long-haul source markets for Europe are feeling with regard to travelling to faraway places in the upcoming year, and broadly the sentiment is upbeat with over half of those questioned in all markets except Japan open to the idea of long-haul travel.
March 1, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | Sustainable Tourism: special focus on Nordic Accommodation
The Nordic region is one of the world's leading destinations for sustainable tourism and the products available for responsible travellers are in abundance. This webinar looks at the amazing examples of sustainability and nature in the region, with a particular focus on accommodation.
February 14, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | The imminent return of the Chinese Market
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
February 1, 2023
ETM North America Webinar | Youth & Student travel
The North American student and youth market for Europe is rebounding, and promising strong growth in the next two years. Pan-European in scope, is a vital sector. Important in itself, it acts as an introduction to Europe as a destination for a new generation of clients.
January 31, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Tourism in 2030: tough choices ahead
The climate emergency is forcing change, and creates new dilemmas for government. When they look at their economy’s overall carbon footprint, which sectors will have more time to transition, and which must accept stricter controls to keep overall emissions within legally binding commitments?
January 30, 2023
USTOA Insights: USA as an origin market Jan 23
Key findings from a recent survey of American international travellers, with a series of charts and headline statistics ranging from intended trip intensity in 2023 through to the extent to which travel provider’s sustainability credentials matter to potential customers.
January 25, 2023
ETOA & NTC Webinar | India, the next travel powerhouse
India looks likely to take over from China as the largest global travel source market. Between 2009 and 2019 outbound tourism from India increased 143 percent from 11 million travellers to 27 million.
January 19, 2023
ETOA Insight Webinar | Euromonitor Travel Reset: Outlook and Innovation for European Tourism 2023
Caroline Bremner shares Euromonitor's forecasted outlook for European tourism, pinpointing growth opportunities such as blended travel and the metaverse for further exploration
January 19, 2023
City Destinations Alliance – Exploring the emerging role of the Place Making and Marketing Organisation
Report based on a collaboration between City Destinations Alliance and Toposophy that aims to help destinations understand and address the challenges and opportunities that are presented by transitioning to an holistic approach to place making and place marketing.
January 19, 2023
Tourism Ireland Situation & Outlook Analysis Report December 2022
A comprehensive summary of the latest facts and figures relating to recent trends in tourism on the island of Ireland as well as short-term prospects. Insights include that in the first 10 months of 2022 arrivals by air were just 16% below those of 2019 with an equivalent figure for ferry arrivals of -15%. Hotel occupancy has surpassed that of three years ago at an aggregate level with room rates up around 30%.
January 19, 2023
Visit Britain: motivations, influences, decisions and sustainability June 2022
A comprehensive report based on research conducted across multiple countries in the spring of 2022 examining traveller motivations, influences, decisions and sustainability. While much of the report is focussed on the potential inbound market for Britain some sections explore wider issues as well as the degree to which potential visitors are considering Europe as a destination.
January 19, 2023
UNWTO Barometer January 2023
The latest UNWTO analysis indicates that last year international tourism had recovered to 63% of its pre-pandemic level with 900 million trips. In an upbeat assessment the Barometer predicts that this year volumes will reach between 80% and 95% of their 2019 equivalent.
January 13, 2023
ETOA Webinar | Reflections on North American demand
In this webinar, we reflected on how matters have evolved since the COVID restrictions were lifted six months ago and looked at any patterns emerging in terms of demand, what 2023 is looking like and what plans are being laid for 2024.
- ETOA & Arival Webinar | Attraction Ticketing: The Future of Access to Europe’s Top Sites
- Arival's Global Operator Landscape: The State of Experiences (3rd Ed. 2024) Members
- Arival: Five Travel Trends to Watch in 2025 Members
- Arival: How Affluent US Millennials Are Changing Travel Planning Members
- Arival: 5 Ways to Attract the US LGBTQ+ Experiences Traveller Members
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- Arival Insights
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- Value of Tourism